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Re: Project one Final

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:46 pm
by schakarun714
I love how elegant the whole layout is. I think it represents you nicely. i would agree with you on making the flower bigger, maybe even having less stem would work well. other than that i think the rest looks great.

Re: Project one Final

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:05 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Alexa,

I think your home page represents you well. I really like your font choices. I think if you make your flower monochromatic blue and turn it into an outline allowing the background to show through in the middle of the stem and the inside of the flower petals like it is in your buttons, you could really create some unity. Overall the page is very cute!

Re: Project one Final

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:25 pm
by steven_dickson
Hi Alexa!
I think everybody else has already said this but yeah just move your text down a smidgen. I love your color choice. I don't even know you but this color tells me a lot about your personality. Good Work!

Re: Project one Final

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:04 pm
by Instructor
I think you've got a good start here Alexa.

You've got a clean design with a cute navigational element in the flower. The navigation bar at the top is easy to see and use. It has good contrast with the pale blue background and the various darker colors of your design. It has good bones that just need to be fleshed out a bit.

The way I see it, you've got three problems here. The first you already called out. You need to limit your color palette. You've got six colors in this thing by my count. Go and pick out some nice complimentary colors, like say the dark blue and orange from your shirt, and build around that. The second is unity. The top of your composition is decently unified, but the bottom is a bunch of individual pieces all over the place. Tighten up your project buttons with your picture, bodycopy, and flower and you should be good. The third is margin. Where your bottom stuff is to spread out, your bodycopy is way to tight with your photo and flower. Give it a little room to breathe (contract your bodycopy by 10 pixels on each edge or so) and you'll be good to go.

Fix those and you'll really have something here. Hint: shamelessly steal from your fellow students.

Re: Project one Final

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:39 pm
by ryansegal
Hi Alexa,

I like the airy design that you've got here. As the others have said, moving your paragraph down would certainly help making the design more open. I actually think your flower is a great size already, it's not too large that it takes the focus away from your name and image. Pulling colors from that image is a great idea; it would help unify the design.

Re: Project one Final

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:26 am
by gotsatisfaction247
Nice flower touch! I like the blue theame you have going on. I migh move your body text little bet down so it will be centered among your images from lef/right, top/bottom. Good start!

Re: Project one Final

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:40 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Alexa,
I really like your simplistic flower layout.
Its very pretty and bold and looks good.
The colors scheme looks good and I like the way you placed everything in the composition.

I would change the body text to be larger and take up more of the white negative space.
The text in the flower petals is too small and needs to be larger.
Good idea to put links there for your project.

Hope that help a little.
Looks good, nice work.

Re: Project one Final

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:47 pm
by old_man_pat
Miss Hummela, I appreciate the elegant simplicity in this design. I like the use of your navigation menu (home and contact in the far right), while placing links for your projects in the flower petals. I also like your choice of font for your name and body content. Naturally, your flower is nicely done, and I like what you're aiming for in balancing it with your picture. I agree with you that incorporating colors from your picture into your overall color scheme would add to the design. I also agree with those who recommend moving your paragraph down a tad and widening the margins. The circles at the bottom could be modified (perhaps increasing their dimensions, increasing the width of the lines, or maybe a background color with significantly reduced opacity?) to balance the nice layout at the top. I still like Justine's suggestion of adding grass, fallen petals, etc., something connected to flower, to the layout. Very nice work. :-)

Re: Project one Final

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:17 pm
by kiwakom
Your design is very cute :) I like it!
Color choices is also nice. I think the design represents you very well!
Great job!


Re: Project one Final

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:38 pm
by Miasera
Hey Alexa,

I'm glad you went with this design, it's calming but the flower is a great focal point. It really seems like you. There might be too much white space going on and could probably be tightened a bit more, but is a good design overall.