Final Project One. Homepage

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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Wendy,

Your color scheme is really good, and I like that you incorporated images. I agree that your buttons may not be the easiest to identify, but if a user is scrolling a mouse over the page, they might have a fun reaction when they realize the images are links. It's kind of a fun surprise, but I'm not sure you want it to be a surprise. I still love the colors and the White text. Text as negative space always creates an interesting design element. Good Work!
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by Instructor »

Very nice! Another good example of minimalism.

I really like how this design acts as a frame for the images. It's colorful but it doesn't overwhelm, or even get in the way of, the images. It has great contrast between the green and the white. I also really like the usage of the image colors as building blocks for the design. Typographically it's quite excellent as well. The sans-serif font was a good choice. Great margins throughout the composition as well. Everything has just the right amount of space without losing unity.

Nice work on the "flipbook" of images showing your page and site functionality.

The only issue I really have with it is the "mystery meat" navigation. All navigation needs to be labeled, otherwise users won't know what to do, or even what is and is not a navigational element.

A clean design that shows off it's imagery well. Fantastic work! Just fantastic!
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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Wendy,
I like what you did to further your design idea by adding photos that matched the color of the blocks.
I think that worked really well and the colors look very good together in concept with the photos.

I think you need to put your name on top of the large photo or change the sizing of that area as its to small.
It looks cramped in the photos and it should be shouting at the top of the composition and not hiding in it as its your title.

Overall looks good.

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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

Wow! Great layout, great copasition, nice colors and I also very like the quote you have on your page!! Also I think it was a very clever use of pictures and navigational buttons. Everyhing looks great and done to me, and honestly dont have any comment to what you can change. Good JoB!!

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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by old_man_pat »

Wow Wendy, this is good stuff. Quite beautiful. The color selection that matches the photographs is a nice touch. I feel serene through and through looking at this. Your font selection, not to mention your paragraph is very well done. The choice of beautiful pictures for buttons works well. The only thing I believe needs adjusting would be the labels for the navigation menu. Nice work!
Patrick Smith
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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by schakarun714 »

Wow this looks awesome. All the choices you've made are working so well together. I honestly cannot think of anything that should be changed. Great job.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Wendy,

I think you've a really nice color scheme going on in this design, especially how the images blend in to the color of the button they are part of. Rather than putting a solid color over the image, have you thought of just making the color overlay just a little less transparent? Just a thought. The typefaces are clean and easily readable, and everything looks great!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by Miasera »

Hey Wendy,

I like the end result of your design, it's serene and calming but there's enough color to keep the attention, and I like the hover button changes you have going. It fits together like a perfect puzzle, and the only issue I spot is the font style for your quote. It's a little too thin to read.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by dzynecin88 »

I love your images, design and color choices. Very tranquil and inviting. I think the navigation could be a little more prominent.
Cindy Salyer

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Re: Final Project One. Homepage

Post by ravennvrmre »

I only see one design; however I really like feel of it. The sun and lake/sea (?) pictures work well with the color bars. Great start, keep it up.
Vicki Miller
