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Re: The Final Critique has arrived — Project #1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:13 pm
by dboudinot
Hi Christina,

I really like the earthy organic feel of your home page, and the streaming sunlight effect is really interesting. I am having a hard time reading the information in the bar at the bottom so you might want to play around with making that more legible, but overall the design is really good.

Re: The Final Critique has arrived — Project #1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:00 pm
by Instructor
Yeah, you picked the right one here.

The background images establish a feeling of peace and create a visual tone for the whole layout. You've fixed one of my big issues with it in the preliminary by tightening everything up. The composition is now whole and unified. I also like the addition of the logo. Nice work with the semi transparency. It helps blend the logo into the grass background. The color scheme continues to be excellent. I really like the way you use colors that appear in your background images throughout the site. Typographically the site is strong as well. It's a great mix of sans-serif and script that keeps the peaceful tone and blends the information presented into the design.

Just have a couple of things you could have improved. One, I don't think it needs quite the amount of open space you have below the footer. Two, the left margin on your email and "Truckee Meadows Community College" at the bottom is very tight. I think it would have looked better moved a bit to the right within the brown box.

Outstanding work! Such a great use of color and imagery to call forth feelings.

Re: The Final Critique has arrived — Project #1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:12 pm
by ryansegal
Hi Cristina,

Your design is great! Very good choice making your name the headline of the page rather than the class name. I think the addition of the dark brown on the navigation really helps tie it to the rest of the design and anchors it better to the page. I almost want to see more of that blue color elsewhere in the design, but I'm not entirely sure where I would put it. The only minor gripes I have are with the contents of your paragraph. I don't think the "music video" sentence needs its own paragraph, as it's still a part of your graphic design passions. Secondly, I don't think I would have S.L.P. as an acronym, as visitors to your site (me included) won't have any idea what that stands for or where it is. Again, these are really just minor things, because the rest of your design looks great!

Re: The Final Critique has arrived — Project #1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:53 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Cristina,
I like what you did by combining some of both designs.
I like the femininity in the design and it looks very organic which is very inviting.
It feels very warm and welcoming.

No sure about the transparency in the middle of the design it kind of makes things hard to read and words get lost.
I like how you used transparency on your logo but it makes it less important on terms of hierarchy.
Which a logo should be very important as its your branding etc.
I would try to play around with that some more because I think that will overall help it be more successful.

Hope that helps.
Looks good, Nice job!

Re: The Final Critique has arrived — Project #1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:17 pm
by gotsatisfaction247
Great layout! I very like the color theame you have going on, and you logo. The only one thing that I might change is your email contactac info, i couldnt not read your email address at all. Otherwice great start!

Re: The Final Critique has arrived — Project #1

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:42 am
by hummela
it is really pretty and elegant i like it, the only thing is the white on the links not he right side is very bright maybe do a off white to tone it down i think it would pull it together better. My personal thought :)

Re: The Final Critique has arrived — Project #1

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:38 pm
by TsukimizuDC

Excellent job with your layout. I love the background and color scheme very much. The only problem that I'm having is the type that you have for your e-mail. I can barely see it. Maybe changing the color blending to make it more visible.

Again, great work.