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Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:00 pm
by steven_dickson
This is so sick! I'm supper into the whole Sin City Feel this gives me!. I Like that the info is inside of the glasses. Almost like seeing the world or you, Through your own eyes! Excited!

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:21 pm
by Instructor
Ooooh. Such a "mysterious artist" website. Or a punk-ish pop star website. I'm not sure yet.

But seriously, you've got yourself a very evocative design here. I love the self portrait as framing device for content. The grain give it such texture. I like the use of color as well. It thickens and locks in the content frame. Nicely done. Typographically it's well done except for one thing I'll mention below. The navigation, typographic logo, title, bodycopy, and footer really play off of each other very well. Nice choice on the sans-serif type.

My only real issue with it is the bodycopy. I think the font was well chosen, but the leading is waaaaay too tight. It needs to be at least four or five points taller than it is now. As it is the lines in the bodycopy kind of run together.

Otherwise, an excellent design. I love the feel of it. Great work.

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:27 am
by georgia_novotny
Hi Elizabeth,
I really like the black and white photo you took of yourself and used it as the main design concept.
I looks very good and defiantly shows some of your personality. Fun!

I cant see the font on the bottom very well as it blends in with the photo.
white doesn't work so pick a different value or hue.
Also the body text is very small and I think could fill the sun glasses more.
I was thinking it would look cool if some of the type was on a point and maybe on the outside of the glasses.
Just an idea to add something fun to the glasses with the type.

Otherwise, I really like your design, great job. very cool!

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:22 am
by gotsatisfaction247
Looks badass!! Great work!!! I think black, pink and white is one of the best color combanations. I might take away the hilight that you have on the picture inside of the sunglasses so that the white text pop better. You can do it 3 ways. One try to bring the contrast of the picture up, two color the sunglass lence wiht solid black, or draw the photograph in illustrator ( I am not sure if the picture has bad resolution or it is jsut the style that you were going for) Otherwice, this is very cool layout idea! I like it very much!!!

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:02 am
by old_man_pat
Elizabeth, this is very moving. Personally, it brings me back to the 'Pretty in Pink' promotions, only this is far more mysterious! The grainy, posterized feel, and the focus on only one lens of your pink shades draws the viewer in. The content in your paragraph helps us learn a little more about the woman behind this mystery, but also adds to the curiosity regarding the rest of your site. Very nice feel overall. The only suggestions are of course, minor: spelling corrections ('because' in the paragraph, capitalizing 'artist' in the subtitle); is the font for the 'u' in the 'about me' header slightly bigger than the rest? Perhaps the subtitle 'Graphic Designer & Artist' and the navigation text might be slightly larger? If not, this is still really well done!

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:54 am
by hummela
what happen to your bike? is this picture you?
I like how its black an white with the pink glasses it looks cool.. the layout is working nicely :)

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:02 pm
by ryansegal
Hi Elizabeth,

This is a really great and unique design! I love the little pop of color in your glasses and the organization of everything. I do however think that the image is a little too fuzzy. For as close as it is, the rough quality of it adds a lot of age to the whole design that I don't think is necessary, especially since the color is so sharp in comparison to the actual picture. Your header looks great, I like the contrast of the heavy and light typeface. I would capitalize the "artist" in your subtitle there. Finally, you could center your footer text if you put a light drop shadow behind it, just enough to make it readable against the white portion. It would make your paragraph more of a focus point because it would be the only off-center element. Great improvement!

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:22 pm
by Miasera
Hey Elizabeth,

For a complete overhaul, you did a fantastic job and I love the minimalism you have going on with your content. It's a great picture, the accent color stands out especially, and otherwise is very clean. My only issue is the size of your navigation, but that shouldn't be too hard to fix by just making it a little bigger.

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:35 pm
by dzynecin88
I love your design! Very impressive! I like your originality. The only suggestion I would make would be to increase the size of the type for the navigation, as well as your tagline.

Re: my final for Project one

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:41 pm
by seancl123
I like the design and i really like the high contrast of it. The only thing i have a problem with is the photo its just to fuzz for me. But otherwise good job i really like it.