Project 1 - Final Critique

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Re: Project 1 - Final Critique

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Ryan,

I love your three dimensional name and the shadow coming off your content. I think your design is balanced really well. I would make the footer type bigger or darker to add a little more visual weight at the bottom, but other than that I think you've got a really good thing going.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 1 - Final Critique

Post by steven_dickson »

Dude Ryan!
I like this! This design looks like it could belong on an app for businesses every were haha!. The drop shadow was a definite good call! And also my favorite color is orange. So brownies for you! good work Man.
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Re: Project 1 - Final Critique

Post by Instructor »

The depth and light sourcing on this thing is just killer.

What's ostensibly a very clean layout is transformed by some super deep shadows and a complimentary color palette into something that's really a cut above. Typographically it's super clean and well curated. I'm not usually a fan of medium or bold types for bodycopy, but here it works as a counterbalance to the image. Navigation is large and easy to use. Great margins throughout.

About the only thing I would change is make the rollover the dark blue or make all of the dark blue areas the medium blue. I don't think it needed two blues.

Great work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 1 - Final Critique

Post by ElizabethBrass »

Hey Ryan,

I like the 3D feel of your design. I like how your text and photo area equally balanced. Great Job!

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Re: Project 1 - Final Critique

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

Great work! Very clean and need style. The only thing that I might change is the master backround and the color of the text at the buttom of the page. Maybe change backround to light blue or gray. Also very cool effect with the name on the left conor. I like it! Good Job!!

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Re: Project 1 - Final Critique

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Ryan,
I really like the way you did your name at the top of your composition.
Its a fairly simplistic design but it communicates the information effectively.

That 3d name looks good except I would move it over so its not off the page.
That throws me off a bit when I first look at it.
Also maybe you should enlarge the text at the bottom of the page just a little to take up some of the white negative space.

Hope that helps.
Otherwise looks nice!
Good job.

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Re: Project 1 - Final Critique

Post by kiwakom »

I really like your design.
The shadow design is great! I also like layout and your color choices :)
Great Job!


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Re: Project 1 - Final Critique

Post by Miasera »

Hey Ryan,

Now that I see the final design, I'm glad you went with this route over the other. It's warm, but at the same time clean and dynamic with the 3D effect you have going with your name and the "shadow" your body is creating. It's easy to navigate, and I can't think of much else you could do to improve it. My worry is the sheer amount of space that can grow around it on bigger screens...
Cristina Sánchez
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