Project 1 - Final Design

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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by Instructor »

Oooooh, got some neat use of color and shadow to create some subtle effects here.

This is a very clean layout that presents it's information well, but what really pushes it into a cut above is the use of framing. I really like the effect of the desaturated background image suddenly coming into saturation when it hits the content area. That, combined with the inner shadow gives it a "window on the world" effect that just completely enhances the whole presentation. Typographically it works well too. The sans-serif type really enhances the cleanliness of the layout and the semi-transparent black block backing the bodycopy is a nice effect. The buttons are well balanced and the whole composition has great margins.

The only thing that rings a little false to me is the gradient behind the navigation. It seems a little blah when compare to all of the other neat effects you have going on here.

Very nice work. Very nice indeed.
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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Rosa!
I love your photo- as I too love the Snake River!
One of my favorite places in the world is just sitting and fishing on the snake river in Oregon.
I have been going there almost every year since I was a kid for family vacations.
I was there 5 weeks ago and I cant wait to go back... anyway.

Hells canyon is a great image for your design concept.
Its very "deep" and gives off a lot of emotional feelings just looking at it without getting too personal.

I like the colors in the design as they really compliment each other and the top blends with the photo.

One thing that I think throws me off a little is the "RR PORTFOLIO" as the title.
I would like to see your name with that somewhere so we know what that means.
That is the strongest part of the design and my eye goes there first then to the photo.
Just something to think about with this composition is the hierarchy and how you want that to look to the viewer.
If that makes since.

Hope that helps :)

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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

I very like the picture you have in the backround, pretty! I might make your body text fond larger, it is very difficult to read since it is so small. Great start!

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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by hummela »

I really like how you did the image in the background and the transparent box thing i think that came out well!
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Rosa,

This immediately gives off a very organized, well-thought-out look. The header typeface looks much better than in the rough, and the image is really nice. The only problem I'm seeing in your design is that you don't mention who you are! The fact that you've only put your initials on the header isn't very helpful unfortunately, unless we already know you. Also, whatever typeface you chose for the footer text might also be a good choice for your body copy, as it looks a little jagged right now. Definitely a great improvement!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by old_man_pat »

Hey Rosa, I really admire what you've done with the layout in this design. The change in semi-transparent coloring for the outside of the image, followed by a use of shades and a vibrant image of the Snake River, creates a frame for your main content that really stands out. I also like the semi-transparent block used as background for your text. Your choice of a sans-serif font is to me an interesting contrast for the rugged canyon in the background. For me, the only thing I'd change was addressed by the others. The 'RR' need to be replaced with your name, or it needs to be included somewhere in the design. Very nice work.
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by Miasera »

Hi Rosa,

You have a nice and unique design going here, and I'm really digging the color scheme. I'm also really liking that the box around your picture is meant to mimic a dark box, I think it's a great idea and if you're going to keep expanding on it throughout the semester, then I really look forward to what else you bring to the table!
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by papasmurf124 »

I like how your picture pops off the page. Do we have to include the Tmcc logo? If so did you try a white one it might pop just as well.
Robert Freudenthaler

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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by Stalksyouatnight »

It looks great, I like how you make the image look blur at the edges. The TMCC logo just looks like its hanging there out in all that space, maybe move it? Good job btw.
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Re: Project 1 - Final Design

Post by dzynecin88 »

I really like your design and what you've done with your imagery. My only suggestion would be to change the font on the top - it looks rather futuristic and something more earthy seems appropriate here.
Cindy Salyer
