Project one online final

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Re: Project one online final

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Jason,

I like your color scheme, and your image is creating really fun eye movement. I would remove the drop shadow from your body text, and I would adjust the buttons at the top because for me its reading more like a headline than click-able links. I really like the overall design though; the image definitely says animator.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project one online final

Post by Instructor »

Yikes. That's a bright one. You've got some kind of Warhol thing going on here, I think.

But for all of it's bright colors it really does use contrast well. The magenta, yellow, and cyan really bounce off the white background nicely. I like the central brushstroke image, it's adds an artistic focal point in an otherwise super clean layout. Typographically it's very strong as well. I think the brush stroke font and the san-serif work well together to convey a slick clean urban look with a more traditional artsy feel. The navigation bar is bright, easy to see and easy to use.

Ooof. That bodycopy sure is difficult to look at though. It give me a a headache to even try to read it. I think pseudo 3D effects were not meant for these old eyes. I recommend never using it again. Image Also, the elements in your footer should be a little bit more toward the center to give a little bit more right and left margin.

Very nice ice work, sir. At least I think so. Let me try and read that bodycopy agai ... Image
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Re: Project one online final

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Jason,
I like your design even though its fairly simplistic.
Sometimes simple is better especially in graphics (I'm learning).

I like the movement you feel as soon as you see the page.
It has a lot of "life" in it from your illustration and color.
I like the color scheme of the subtractive primary colors, good idea.

The type is kind of hard to read for the buttons maybe pick something that has character but isn't so stylized.
For your name the type works really well in the middle of your lively design.
I don't really like the magenta body color on the cyan background.
It is hard to read as the values are very close so I think thats why.
Maybe choose a darker shade of magenta by choosing one of its shades etc.

Hope that helps.
Looks good, nice job.

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Re: Project one online final

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

I very like the smoky blue lines in the backround, they creade a very nice movement and relax feeiling. The body tex, defenetly do something about the shadow, it is not working, it hurt eyes. Eather remove the shadow complitly or keep it much closer to the font, to not have that double vision sensetion. Overall great start on ur site!

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Re: Project one online final

Post by schakarun714 »

This looks great. I love the color scheme you have going. The only thing i would change is the drop shadow on the text, it makes it hard to read. If you want to make it stand out, maybe try making the font bigger, or a bolder font.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: Project one online final

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Jason,

I agree that the color scheme is unique, but since the blue and yellow aren't full saturation it doesn't really translate into a full color scheme. The background image is interesting, and it would be great to see that carried around the page more than just in that area. I do also think that the shadow behind the body copy should be removed to help with legibility. Other than that I think it's got some great things going for it.
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project one online final

Post by Miasera »

Hi Jason,

First thing's first is that I actually rather like your color scheme and the flourish behind your name, it really helps it to stand out. However, Making your copy bright pink against a cyan background isn't the best idea and you'll want to go with differing values. It's actually kind of hurting my eyes....
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Project one online final

Post by dzynecin88 »

I like your design and the artistic, splashy feel. It's clear, but interesting. I'm a little distracted by the size of the type for your navigation bar. It seems a little large in proportion to the main part of the page. Also, the drop shadow on the body copy makes it a bit hard to read. I like your color choices!
Cindy Salyer

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Re: Project one online final

Post by Oreo_Chaos »

I think they artbursh strokes is a nice choice, try expanding on this!
Matt Beach =

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Re: Project one online final

Post by Computer Lover »

I do like the colors picked for the page, and the nice big image toward the top is also appealing. My biggest concern is the magenta on blue. It's difficult to read text that close in contrast. Maybe diverging the two, one light, and the other darker, will help this problem. Or changing the color of the font.
- Starla Houck
