Project One - Final Output

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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by kiwakom »

I love your design so much! That's amazing!!!!
The color choices is also great!

I think if you remove black outlines from your glass and navigation icons, it looks much better.
Other than that, I really like it! Good job!


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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Seth,

I think your home page design is amazing. I love the silhouettes and color blocking, and your icons and drop down menus are fantastic. You could make your name and body copy a little larger if you felt so inclined, but I don't think it's a completely necessary change. Awesome Design!
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by Instructor »

And another excellent design! You guys are really on a roll here.

Last minute inspiration has done wonders for me over the years, don't knock it.

This is a fantastic example of minimalism at work. Strip out all the extraneous detail and make sure anything that is there is important and necessary. Great use of contrast as well. The blue really helps accent and emphasize things among the black and white. The white nav bar calls out the site/page title and move the eye to the navigation. Changing the silhouette from a generic person to you really gives the design a bit of character that a compliments and challenges the minimalism of the other elements in the site. Because it's super minimal, it makes a great frame for whatever content will reside in it.

I also really like the "flipbook" of images demonstrating page/site functionality.

The only things I'm not fond of are the stroke around the navigation icons and the glasses of the silhouette, the fact that the navigation is "mystery meat", and that you used a serif typeface for the bodycopy. The stroke is unnecessary and distracts from the minimalism. And the buttons need labels, however small. Iconographic navigation confuses users. Also, I think the bodycopy needed to be a nice sans-serif type to complete the clean, cool, neatness o the design.

Fantastic work, sir. Image
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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Seth,

This is a great, clean looking design you've got. It doesn't look so mobile-y anymore, which is great, but it still lends itself to easily transitioning into one if need be. The subtle color choices are great and very minimalist. As far as suggestions, I would probably remove the stroke you have around your navigation icons (and it looks like there's one around the glasses in your image, too, but it's hard to tell). Secondly, I'm not sure that the icons make a whole lot of sense in context. I could see the laptop being links, but I don't think the headphones work as being a projects button. Perhaps a paper and pencil? A folder? Lastly, I think putting the class name and TMCC logo (a little too tiny, by the way!) on every drop-down is a little redundant, as is putting your links inside the drop-down and the links page itself. I hope I'm not coming off as nitpicky or harsh; I think this is a really fantastic design! I can't wait to see it animated and fleshed out in the next project!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Seth,
I really like your stylized design. I like how you took the first design idea but made it more personal.

Im not sure the buttons work because they might be confusing to someone without reading your bio and knowing they were buttons.
Otherwise, its a very creative possibly great idea using symbols for buttons.

One other thing to think about is their is a lot of negative space.
I would try to eliminate as much of that as possible to be a little more successful with the composition.

Looks good!

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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by old_man_pat »

Hi Seth,
This minimalist design makes me anticipate flash animation similar to those slick advertisements we see from the marketing gurus at Apple. This is nothing short of cool. You've provided a silhouetted image that pops from the background, yet is personalized just enough to match the designer promoted in the body copy. The only minor suggestions I would make address the navigation menu. While I like the drop down menus, having a replica of the body content, i.e. same exact links, etc., seems unnecessary. Also, labels would help clarify what your symbols represent, such as the headset representing projects, and so forth. As a first time visitor, this site strikes me as very professional and sparks my curiosity to see the rest of your portfolio. Good stuff Seth.
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

This looks awesome! Great colors, great design, clean and stylish! Looks like profesional work to me! I dont have much comments to what you can change, maybe make a body copy little bet larger fond for easier read. Also there is something about that logo, i might put it more towards the right conor. Anyways, you got a great start!!!

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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by hummela »

This says you all over it.. i like it. I also like your navigation its different and unique very cool!
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Project One - Final Output

Post by Miasera »


I absolutely love this design, the silhouettes hold well and I like the accent color you've chosen. I applaud your efforts to change it at the last minute, for having done that it really is a great design. My only suggestion is the font your chose for your copy, I can't tell if it's a serif or a slab-serif, but it doesn't seem to fit completely. Other than that, I reiterate how much I love this design.
Cristina Sánchez
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