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Re: Project #2_Roughs

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:03 pm
by Instructor
Heh. I see some fun here.

I really like your second design. The colorful construction paper collage really plants some fun feelings in users heads without being representational or distracting. It also helps establish the site's kaleidoscopic colorscheme. The white header and footer do a nice job of framing the content while providing contrast and breathing space around the bright background and content layout.

The semi transparent content containers look nice as well and serve to let the background image influence the content without drowning it out. I think they could use to be a little more opaque though. I do lose some of the bodycopy sometimes.

I'm also mixed on the color shifting frames around the navigation and main content area. I think it adds a bit of jarring disharmony to the home page and inner page. However, I think they could be really neat if they color coded the page they were on (i.e. on "About Us" they were green, on "Enrollment" they were purple, etc.) you could even have your button rollovers roll that particular page's color when you roll over it.

Your navigation is easy to see and use, and is very well placed in the design. The bodycopy and headlines are nice, but I think the horizontal margins are a little much. Also, I think you need a uniform bodycopy size and a uniform group of headline sizes progressing from biggest to smallest.

I love bacon, too. It why I'm not a vegetarian. The only bacon product I don't like is bacon flavored candy canes.

Good work. I like where you are going on this.

Re: Project #2_Roughs

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:06 pm
by old_man_pat
Hey Danielle, I'd imagine the owner of Creative Kids Center would bow down in appreciation if offered your two sets of roughs. Talk about improvement. I feel there are strong elements to both designs. I like the background for rough #2, with the adjustment in opacity of the white background. On the other hand, I like the color scheme and photographs used in rough #1. I find the horizontal photo montage at the top fits nicely with the color scheme, and brings enough energy and enthusiasm to be even more inviting. If I were a parent, I'd consider the happy inquisitive children more inviting than the one photo and paragraph information on the second layout. Is there a way to incorporate these elements from both into your final? Either way you go, they're both very strong and inviting, and either would make a nice selection. Good work.

Re: Project #2_Roughs

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:29 am
by gotsatisfaction247
they both look very fun, over all I do like the oreall consept ot the rought2, but I do like the header image much better on rough 1, that picture is just to cute!! great start!!

Re: Project #2_Roughs

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:42 pm
by justinepaigek
Hi, Danielle!

While these are far better than the original, I'm afraid I have to be honest with you. While the layout of the first design is nice with the navigation at the top, the colors are still pretty shockingly bright and a little painful to look at with the high-chroma gradients and complementary colors mixed together. I much prefer the imagery and color scheme used in the second, and while the navigation of that one is alright, I feel the first has a better flow. Also, the info at the footer of the second one seems less cluttered and more organized. If you could combine the layout of the first with the colors and images in the second, it might serve you better. Also, I would consider a more expressive typeface than the standard serif typeface you have for the header tex in the first layout, since this website is catering to services for kids. The typeface you chose in the second layout works pretty well, though, so maybe you could just run with that. Hope this helps and that you don't hate me because that would make me sad lol

Re: Project #2_Roughs

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:56 pm
by ryansegal

Oof, that original website is a doozy. Your roughs however, are a great improvement. The second set of roughs are my preference, I think the images of the kids with the multicolored paint are great. Have you thought about using less color in the body section? I think it could draw more attention to the color if it was used very subtly. Great start, though!

Re: Project #2_Roughs

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:23 pm
by kiwakom
I like the rough2 design. The photo of kids are so cute!!
I think you can play with font a little bit more.

But other than that, it's great!
