Lingling’s project two final critique

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Re: Lingling’s project two final critique

Post by Instructor »

Holy moly! That is a seriously professional looking website. A massive improvement over your roughs. You better contact Ewin and pitch a website redesign at them with something of that quality.

The neutral gray background color serves as a great "scrapbook page" to hang the rest of the design on. The brightly colored header immediately grabs the eye and draws the user into the content. The navigation, though a little small is easy to use, with a slick rollover effect. Also, good work on leaving the button rolled over to indicate what page you are on. The type is organized very well. The typographic hierarchy is easy to grasp and allows you to instantly discern what's important. The dividing horizontal and vertical rules subtly divide everything into discrete pieces. Even the footer that is just a glow is a beautiful little touch.

What really impresses me is how many little things this design gets right; the page marker buttons, the subtle divider, the reflections, the typographic hierarchy, etc.

Just a couple of tweaks. I'd make the header just a little wider than the content so the reflection (so awesome!) doesn't crowd the left edge of the headline text. Also, watch your leading in your headlines, it's pretty tight in spots. Lastly, tighten up the bottom and top padding on your various items on your Services page.

Great work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Lingling’s project two final critique

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi LingLing,
Yeah! We made it and thanks to Alexi's help we finished after long hours in the lab. :)

I really like your portfolio design and good job getting it up on time!
It looks really artistic and I love your personal style that you obviously have and is represented with your portfolio site.
I couldn't think past being able to use dreamweaver.
All my designs are so simplistic and don't show "my artistic talents" off like yours does, great job!

The project 2 redesigns looks good too.
I like your color scheme and the text really pops off the screen with the black background.
I defiantly want to see more for pictures, which I think you haven't added yet.
The home page looks a little cluttered and maybe you should figure a way to decrease some of that info.

Looks good.
Nice job!

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Re: Lingling’s project two final critique

Post by schakarun714 »

Wow Lingling great job! i really like how you incorporated your own art work into your home page. The redone page looks amazing! you really took to this whole web design business.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: Lingling’s project two final critique

Post by Miasera »


Wonderful job on your site revamp, it's so smooth and clean and the colors, while on the cooler side of the spectrum, are still eye-catching with the opposing palette being contrasting warm ones. I also must admit that I'm actually having fun with the rollovers of your nav bar, the decoration is endearing. Great job on both.
Cristina Sánchez
|| Certified Turtlefied
