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Re: Project 2 Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:16 pm
by hummela
I really like your tabs on your personal site that is very cool!!
for your redo site nice! l enjoy the over all layout, not so much info at once is nice, the only thing to suggest would be shorten the length of your sentences in the body copy for easier reading. :) good job

Re: Project 2 Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:42 pm
by Instructor
Ooooooh. Veeery nice informational dropdowns on your Project One, Dominique. Nicely done.

You've got a great look on this one. I really like the clean vector design and colorscheme. It has a strong color set that really enhances the theme. When I look at it, I can just feel a hot summer day on the savannah. I mean, the background even has a bit of heat shimmer in it. So cool. Or hot as the case may be. Typographically, it's easy to read and compliments it's layout and design well. The navigation is well placed and easy to use. I also like the slight bolding that marks what page you're on. That's one of those little details that goes overlooked, but can really help the user experience.

I spot just a couple of issues. One, watch your margins. Your type sometimes seems too far from the edges of your type blocks and sometimes seems too close. Make sure it's more even in the future. Also, I'm not sure I care for the rendering of the logo. It seems a bit like I'm looking at a 3D image without 3D glasses on.

Great work! Such strong color.

Re: Project 2 Final Critique

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:42 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Dominique,
Wow! I really like your site designs.
Both designs came out great as websites.

I love the drop down list on your portfolio page.
Great idea with the notepad...
I too have a couple ideas like that but didn't get time to figure out how to do it in dreamweaver.
Good job getting that in, it looks so cool!

I really think your safari zoo redesign, it is 100 times better than their original site.
I would try to get them to take your designs when the class is done and you refine it more.

Nice job on both designs.

Re: Project 2 Final Critique

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:50 pm
by schakarun714
Hey Dominique, your home page looks really good. i love your drop downs for your buttons, they're super clever in the way you incorporated the project requirements in it. Your redone site is very much improved. I like how you included two different sets of buttons for the links. Any the silhouettes of the animals look really great. the whole site looks clean and well put together.

Re: Project 2 Final Critique

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:23 pm
by Miasera
I'm still a great fan of the use of silhouettes in your redesigned website, though it took me a second to figure out how to get to your project two from the navigation of your personal website, since I thought you had to click on the pop-up description itself. Nevertheless, good job on both.