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Re: project 3 preliminary critique

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:30 pm
by aslychsm
These are both really fun to look at. I almost feel like they're board games with all the cool colors and shapes. I believe these are both very clever, and would be successful as a website promoting our program! My favorite of your two is definitely the top one, primarily because of the interactive elements, tasteful transparencies, and that nifty little illustration of the building in the background. I'm not too sure about the typeface you chose as your topmost header, it seems a little lightweight compared to how bold everything else is, I honestly feel like the font you chose for your other headlines would work better, but that's just me. Good start though!

Re: project 3 preliminary critique

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:26 am
by hummela
bam purple are you bringing that over from 156 haha :lol:

I am liking the second layout a little more with the campus in i like how you laid it. with the paint brush.
but on the inner page i dont think you need graphic communication above the image, it kind of too much for the page and since its on the home page in orange and than in a different spot on the inner page it kinda of throws me off and brings to much to the page just dont think it needed :)

good job on your ideal!

Re: project 3 preliminary critique

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:59 pm
by ryansegal
Hi Dominique,

I think I like the second roughs more than the first. The idea that the paintbrush is what created the image of the Red Mountain Building is very interesting, but I think i could be pushed further by eliminating whatever's to the left of the paintbrush, changing the background to white to symbolize a canvas rather than green, and making the color that's dripping off it a color from the image rather than coral. The organization of the navigation and headers is a little overwhelming, and I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to look at first. It seems a little strange to push the TMCC logo off to the bottom right corner of the page, rather than somewhere a little bit more prominent, but I guess as long as it doesn't get obscured or pushed down further with large amounts of text than it could work out.

Re: project 3 preliminary critique

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:34 pm
by old_man_pat
Hi Domnique,
Nice designs, but I like your second set of roughs most. I like your color palette choice as well as your ‘painted’ effect of the TMCC campus. My first impression of your navigation menu was that I was looking at drop down menus, but then decided you were layering vertical menus under the concepts illustrated with your header tags. If so, I would simply center your menu content within each nav menu. I appreciate your emphasis on the creative, inspirational rather than a more academic layout (like mine). Nice work! :-)