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Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:14 am
by Instructor
Hm, interesting.

I much prefer your first design to your second. The second uses contrast very well, but is otherwise just a mashed together jumble of type with no flow, layout, or leading.

The first, on the other hand, shows promise. I like the clean white layout. The top bar is very strong and the multiple font actually work well (not usually a fan of tons of fonts). I really like the amoeba logo as well. Good use of dots, colors, and type right there. The navigation is easy to see. The use of CMYK to compliment the high-contrast layout works well. And I really like the ghosted TMCC logo. The whole design has an almost kid's storybook feel.

It does need a little type and layout work though. First, I would add a bit of space between your navigation buttons. Right now they're a little too close together. I also think it'd be cool if your header matched the button first-letter font (for example, the "Course Offerings" text at the top of your sample inner page matched the bold "C" on the Course Offerings button). Loose the picture frame on your home page, it clutters up an otherwise clean design. Also, right justify your bodycopy to make a nice little block element you can use in your layout.

This could go in any number of interesting ways. I look forward to seeing what it grows into.

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:02 pm
by schakarun714
I like the first layouts a lot better. They represent the program and your style better. I love the color scheme as well.

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:02 pm
by aslychsm
Aw, I really enjoy your top design. It's very simple, but effective! All the cute accents you included are what help it stand out, especially that frame-like border. I think a good way to make it stronger, is to play around with the top headline,, definitely keep it black, but maybe give it a cool CMYK-gradient drop-shadow. Good start!

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:12 am
by hummela
rough 1 is working better i like your navigation. I think this layout is working better out of the two. looking forward to what you come up with i myself i had a hrd time coming up with stuff! good job

Re: Project 3 Roughs

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:14 pm
by ryansegal
Hey Justine,

I think the first roughs are better, mostly because they have more visual structure to them than the black layout, which does look like Cards Against Humanity, now that you've mentioned it. I think your GRC logo could use a little refinement; I don't think it looks quite like a palette yet--more like the original Nickelodeon splatter--and the 'R' in the logo seems too lightweight between the 'G' and 'C'. Others were saying that the layout feels childish, and I think the color scheme is partly to blame there, so I would just think about if you want it to feel that way or not, and make changes to bring it closer to either a professional-looking design or a more relaxed one.