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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:43 am
by Instructor
This is some A1 minimalist work here, Ryan. Very nice.

I think of the two, I prefer your second design. It uses a whole dump truck load of design concepts very well. It has very strong contrast that identifies what needs to be done and looked at at a glance. It has a fantastic unity. It creates shapes just with it's page layout and I have zero doubt what things belong with each other. It's balanced very well, my eye has no real place to "fall off" the design. The typography on the home page is excellent. The navigation is easy to see, follow and use. And did I mention the text book minimalism?

Nice use of the TMCC logo as the common element across pages too.

Three suggestions. One, use sans-serif type in your inner page to match your header and navigation. Two, move your inner page content up slightly so they're just a touch closer to your logo/nav. Three, it needs a bit of color. Your imagery will likely provide it. If not, add just a hint of color throughout (perhaps CMYK?).

Excellent work, Ryan. I want to see this SOB on the internetz.

Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:08 pm
by schakarun714
Im really liking the second set of layouts. the home page is beautiful. The design is simple, clean and to the point.

Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:18 pm
by aslychsm
Your minimalist approach is very refreshing. For some reason, just looking at these makes me feel at ease. If I had to choose, I'm particularly fond of your second design. That main home page is the biggest reason why. It's like you striped away all the unnecessary, foofoo parts of a website to just its bare bones, but while still keeping it appealing to look at. I like the forward-slashes as the button separators, that's a nice touch. And of course the little word bubble graphic. Great stuff. I really don't have much else to say, aside from it's going to look lovely when it's done.

Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:17 am
by hummela
Both of your layouts are nice, there both different i think they both work overall... but i think rough 2 is nice. its different i like the ideal of it, it laid out nicely an clean.