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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:50 am
by Instructor
Hm. I prefer your first design to your second.

Your first design has a strong geometric layout, with nice use of contrast. The content is easy to see and read and the navigation is large and easy to follow. It also has a nice use of color (props on making TMCC's ugly green actually work). I also like the vector paintbrush idea.

Lose the white boxes though. They clash and look dropped in. Your gray is light enough that your copyright should show up fine and you can make your navigation text white against the black column behind it. Also, I don't think you need the script type, a good sans-serif will do. Also, shrink your bodycopy two font sizes, right justify it and give a little more left and right margin. Lastly, try looking some subtle drop shadows to pop your layout off the gray background. Swap your vector paintbrush for things that are more graphics oriented (x-acto knives, rulers, lockup marks, color bars, HTML samples, etc.). Maybe use a different vector shape for each page/category.

You've got the makings of something really nice here. Keep working on it.

Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:33 pm
by schakarun714
Im liking the first layout better than the second. Its more visually interesting. The silhouette of the paint brush is a nice touch as well.

Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:32 pm
by aslychsm
I like that you stuck with the traditional TMCC green, it makes both designs feel authentic and professional. If I had to choose one, my vote is on the top design, primarily because of the asymmetrical look and the varying sized blocks scattered around. It is very visually interesting. Try adding in some more padding to the instructor page to keep it consistent with the home page. And watch out for that copyright box at the bottom, it looks like it's slightly hidden beneath the main content box. Good start though!

Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:05 am
by hummela
Nice job.
I am liking rough 1 more with the home page i like the layout of it better instead of one chunk of type on the cover. I like the way you laid it out with the color and shapes i think it working better with the titivation on the side.

Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:43 pm
by ryansegal
Hi Dalanie,

Between the two, I think the first layout is the more successful. It's more interesting of a composition. One thing that the design needs though is a lot of padding. The images, TMCC logo, and text are too close to the insides of the boxes; I think they need more room to breathe. The navigation could be better incorporated into the sidebar than being put into a white box, I think, but the colors are good and it's a nice framework to build a website from.