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Re: Project 3 - roughs

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:50 pm
by aslychsm
These came out great! I love all the textures of your first design, and the crazy, vibrant colors of the second one. Both are very visually interesting, and it definitely makes me want to keep clicking and exploring! However, if I had to pick one, I'd say your first rough, only because the second rough is a little busy and a little distracting, but still good. I think your top layout presents all the information in a fun and enticing way, which is perfect for showcasing the program to potential students. The footer area bothers me a bit, it feels slightly off-center (which I know it isn't, but the image makes it look like it is), and too cramped up against the central graphic. But that's really all I have to say, these are awesome.

Re: Project 3 - roughs

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:55 am
by hummela
dang girl you got some pretty cool looking websites. I like the color one but i keep looking at the white layout more. im gonna go with rough 1 i like the cover more on that one, the pattern and style of it is fresh.

Re: Project 3 - roughs

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:11 pm
by ryansegal
Hi Rosa,

My preference is towards your first rough, mostly because, as you said, it does look more professional, which I think would be more appealing to someone looking at the program's website casually. I like the logo you've created, but I don't know if you should use it as the home button, especially if it requires a constant label for users to know that it's the home button.

Re: Project 3 - roughs

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:37 pm
by old_man_pat
Rosa, these are some nice layouts! I prefer your first set. I like the sequential, layered pictures, the splattered paint effects, the easy to read body copy, and the fancy header type. The header reminds me of inked prints from type blocks and your logo is a cool touch of radioactive. I think some additional footer content would be consistent with typical academic sites, but that’s small stuff. Nice work! :-)