Project One Preliminary Critique

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by japanese_panda »

I like top one.

graphics has same taste, and it has dynamic composition and images.

where is navigation button??
Yoshiki Katabami

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by daveryjones »

The second design is better but I think you should lower your contrast and make sure you leave space for your links and body paragraph. Make sure your text and background are not competing for attention. Remember that white space is okay, just find a balance between your artwork and the necessary information. Great photo collaborations.
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Dallas Avery Jones | (775)338-7346

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

Nice! You've got a very distinct style going there, Les. I rather like it.

I'd say you've got two equally good designs going here. They look like album covers. You've laid them out well to accommodate however many buttons and text you wind up using and both convey a sense of aggressive whimsy. Since there's no type or layout yet I can't really give you feedback on those, but I shal give you my 2¢ on what I see.

For your first design would probably be easier to translate into a website. You have a nice big blank in the top left for logos, buttons, and text. The red really contrasts well with the black of space and makes a good frame for Spacekitty and your portrait. I'm not sure either you or Spacekitty need to be full color. It might be interesting to see what the two of you would look like in a simplified colorscheme like you employ for Screaming You on the second design. Typographically, I think it'd look pretty good with either a sans-serif typeface or a slab-serif typeface.

Your second design will be more difficult to translate into a website. That being said, I think I like it a little more. It looks like a screengrab from a Pantera music video. Or Two-Face's internal monologue. You've got some room in the upper left for a paragraph and perhaps a logo. I think it'd look interesting to run the navigation down the middle between Screaming You and Disaffected You. Maybe make 'em look like big surgical staples or something. Your typography looks pretty good one this one. I'd make sure to keep an eye on which side your type winds up on and have a rage headline and bodycopy set along with a nerd headline and bodycopy. Let your type speak to the duality of the design.

But they're both pretty neat looking. Pick whichever one appeals to you the most. If you're not sure, go for the first one, it'll be easier to make web-worthy.

Very nice work, sir.
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by anna_lyse »

I absolutely love the artwork for the cat website. I also feel the layout with the cat design will work better for all the information that needs to be put into the first project.
Annalyse Klekar

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by nicolemae09 »

I think your second design looks closer to a personal design page to show your work. I would just be careful after adding in your text and what not so that it doesn't begin to look super busy. :)

-Ashley Anderson

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by sierra_style »

I think both are interesting to look at. I think that without the body, nav, ect. it is hard to tell how the layouts will pan out. I think that with the nav and body mixed in they both could be cool. I think I like the first one more.
Mark Sinnott

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by seancl123 »

I like the second design how you put your picture in the box it works well. I dont really care for much of anything else. I hope you revamp and come up with some good ideas.
Sean Lee

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by dzynecin88 »

I like the first design alot. The colors, composition and rendering are all excellent. I think the challenge will be getting the navigation and information in the page in a way that will engage the viewer. I have no doubt you can pull it off, though!
Cindy Salyer

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Computer Lover »

They're both interesting and both have elements that work for them. The first one has decent composition and a noticeable color scheme, but the second one has more imagery. Though the second is a tad more chaotic. Perhaps refining either of them to be more unified would help.
- Starla Houck

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Oreo_Chaos »

Both could be intertwined, the cat and the man (*cough-titan*) would be great to see together.
Matt Beach =

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