Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by daveryjones »

I love your illustrations. Your style is distinct but not distracting. The greyscale is very well executed. I appreciate your scrolling website because you are diverting from the standard. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see this come to life.
Kind Regards,
Dallas Avery Jones | (775)338-7346

]“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.” - Edgar Allan Poe

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by anna_lyse »

I really like the concept you've created about diving in and each page being a different league under the sea. I'm excited to see where this goes and the sunken ship you've mentioned creating in Illustrator.
Annalyse Klekar

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by nicolemae09 »

whoa! I love your illustration! and your concept. I am impressed. I like the color theme as well, I feel that it looks slick and contemporary. About the only thing that I would have to say about it would be maybe more straight forward navigation. Not sure what you were thinking as far as navigation but if I went onto this site I wouldn't be sure where to go.

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by ravennvrmre »

I really like your design and concept, I think it’d be cool if you extended the light beam though and had your name in it (putting a spot light on you and your work so to speak) or on your logo. I really like the creatures floating by, just be careful, you don’t want it to be distracting and you don’t want it to confuse people into thinking it’s a button. I like your logo and name it definitely fits the feel of the website. Amazzzzzzing start, keep it up.
Vicki Miller

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by sierra_style »

I think that the layout is very unique and awesome. I bet that some colored type, headlines would snag your attention in the hierarchy really well with the greyscale background. Looks like a good start, hopefully you can do it I would love to see it finished.
Mark Sinnott

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by papasmurf124 »

Amazing work. I like how it changes as you scroll down. Your other website looks good to.
Robert Freudenthaler

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by seancl123 »

Your design is nice and i like the idea you have i think it could make your website different then a lot of the others. I like how it will be going feather underwater. What i didnt like was that it is a little plain, no color and a lot of gray scale, maybe play with a little color to liven it up a little. but very nice design, and good ideas.
Sean Lee

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Game of Potters
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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by Game of Potters »

The 3D sea is going to look super cool. The amount of work you put in this design is quite obvious, however, my one recommendation would be not to forget to focus on layout and type. It would be awful to have such brilliant idea and not have the layout and type be equally as great.
Tara Rinehart

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by dzynecin88 »

Your artwork is stellar. I like the concept of your design as well. It will be interesting to see the final project.
Cindy Salyer

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique. -Tucker

Post by Computer Lover »

I really do enjoy the concept provided, and enjoy the "diving" feel it offers when you head deeper into what you have to offer. The monochrome even works well with the theme, but I wouldn't mind seeing what it would look like in color for the top image.
- Starla Houck
