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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:35 pm
by Computer Lover
I think the first one looks amazing and has a lot of neat elements integrated into it. The colors work well together, and even though it appears busy, it's not considered overwhelming.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:38 am
by moserary
The top one, the top one! Wow.

As was said earlier, the second one is "corporate", read that "boring" in spite of your amazing artwork. Those images will hopefully go on one of your linked pages.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:37 am
by japanese_panda
first one is better. nice drawing images!

but hierarchy looks low, because you draw too good.

you can play with type, and make hierarchy on these type buttons.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:30 pm
by Instructor
Nice work Natsuki.

Your second and third designs are very clean compositions that use color and layout well. They're easy to navigate and gather information from.

And they're totally blown out of the water by your first one. That things looks like a badass steampunk infographic and you should take that idea and run with it. It shares the cleanlieness of the second and third designs, but it cranks the visual interest up to 11 with some fantastic uses of color and texture along with some very whimsical graphics. I love the use of blue as a highlighter in the otherwise black, white, orange, and tan composition. The layout is easy to follow and the icon navigation is nicely labeled. I even like the weirdness of the second letter being colorized in all your titles. It's a great design that's very functional without sacrificing one iota of whimsy or readability.

Your texture is faint enough, I don't think you need the white block behind your bodycopy though.

Take that design and run with it. I'm so looking forward to seeing that thing be real.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:52 pm
by daveryjones
Natsuki, you are awesome. I love your link icons on the first rough and the overall uniqueness. I feel like the second rough doesn't show off your talent. Maybe play with your color choices and rendered illustrations but the concept is amazing. I agree with Michael, I am not a huge fan of the colored text box, I think it distracts from your design.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:34 am
by anna_lyse
I'm having a hard time deciding between the two designs. I love the fact you drew your first design in Illustrator and the images you pulled together to create a the city and the guy riding the bicycle. In the second design I like the simplicity and the four images you chose. I feel like the first design made in Illustrator though really expresses you though, I'll be excited to see which one you decide to go with.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:05 pm
by nicolemae09
I really enjoy your first layout. Its fun and playful but is still sleek at the same time. The only thing is this is a personal site about your work, maybe put more of yourself into the illustrations.

-Ashley Anderson

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:24 pm
by sierra_style
I really like the first rough it is very interesting and has a good graphic design feel to the layout. I think that the nav buttons could be a little easier to see, but I really like the whole feel of the layout a lot.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:56 pm
by seancl123
I think the first one is very interesting and has a good feel, the second one looks a little boring compared to it. over all great job and they both like good.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project#1

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:01 pm
by dzynecin88
I really like both of your designs, but I love the first one! It's so whimsical and witty. The use of color and composition are delightful. The only suggestion I have would be to make the navigation icons a bit larger. They're an interesting part of your design and I think they could show off a bit more.