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Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:40 pm
by daveryjones
I am struggling between these designs because I find bits and pieces from each that I enjoy. On the first one, I enjoy your headline and use of imagery in the background but I have a problem with the opacity of your text boxes. The light purple over the high contrast image makes the text difficult to read but the color scheme is nice. On the second one, I enjoy your personal name logo depiction in the top corner but I find your layout a bit bland. May increase your photo box sizes or lay a simple texture over the stark white background to create some interest.

Can't wait to see your finished product, keep up the good work!

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:57 pm
by Instructor
I think you've got a very good start here, Annalyse.

I like the colorscheme and contrast of your second design, but the layout is just blah and doesn't do anything for me. I see much more promise in your second design. The image background adds do much texture and character to an otherwise simple layout. Hang on to it and use it. Your colorscheme is working well also. The purple goes nicely with the high-contrast grayscale. Your type is working very well, too. The script type and thin sans-serif type compliment each other nicely. It's a very good start.

What it needs are two things. One, a bit of top and left margin. Move the top elements down 10-20px and move the "Step Into My World" text over from the left by 10-20px. Keep the line going across and off the left edge though. Two, make your purple boxes behind the navigation and bodycopy a little more opaque, I'm losing the type in your background image a bit.

Otherwise you've got yourself the makings of a good little website here. Keep it up.

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:41 pm
by nicolemae09
I enjoy your top piece more, but from the second piece I like the previews of your work so maybe you can throw something like that into your first one. I feel that the first one looks a bit blocky, I would maybe play with the positioning of boxes and sizes a little. If you are gonna use the purple color for the boxes I think it would be cool to add a slight violet hue to your greyscaled picture so the site comes together a little more. :)

-Ashley Anderson

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:33 pm
by sierra_style
I think the image in the first one is interesting. Seems like with some more contrast the type and those rectangles could really pop off of it.

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:54 pm
by seancl123
I really like the first one more then the second. the first ones background is very interesting and has a good feel. I think you should play around with type font and color and size. otherwise good job!

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:33 pm
by Computer Lover
I prefer the first one over the second, as it has nice imagery and the font and layout is aesthetically appealing, but I don't think the color fits well with the monochrome background. Maybe adding a color filter over the dark parts of the image will give it a nice pop?

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:35 pm
by dzynecin88
I really like your second design - fun, smart, artsy - just like you! I've always liked black and white with a red accent. I also really like the fonts you used. Well done!

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:46 pm
by Oreo_Chaos
How about your 1st background on top of the 2nd layout hmm?

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:05 pm
by papasmurf124
I like the second one gives a lot of space to play with for your body copy. Would you use a text box for it or just let it float?

Re: Project #1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:23 pm
by Game of Potters
I like the color scheme and the imagery of the first design, but I do agree with the others that your transparency is a little too low. If you bring it up it'll be easier to read and will bring more focus to your buttons. I like the type in the header and navbuttons especially.