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Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:30 pm
by Computer Lover
I absolutely love the first rough. The colors look great together and the circular theme looks more organic. I enjoy how you use the size of the circles to guide importance/emphasis. I'm just not sure about the solid blue and yellow.

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:49 pm
by Game of Potters
The first rough with the round, circular links is my favorite of the two. The type layout, type choice, and the texture in the background is very visually interesting. I would consider overlapping the circular buttons, however. Varying the size of the circles was a great idea, and varying the type is fine as long as you don't use more than three different font choices, and it looks like that's what you've done already. If you could add some shading to the buttons themselves and make them looks more like spheres, I think that would further push your design.

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:08 am
by anna_lyse
I really like the way you laid out the buttons in your first design with the circles, and the fact that each button is a different color. I feel though with the first design the color palette you chose is a little too dark, the color choices made in the second is more appealing to me. I'm a really huge fan of the direction you took the second design. I like how you made the second design feel earthy, I think that was a good choice. I also like the way your name pops in the second one. I feel the second design is the way to go.

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:34 am
by Instructor
I like your first design quite a bit. It has a very interesting mix of esthetics. On the one hand you have a road image that adds a sense of motion, mystery, and travel. On the other the paint splatters/lens flairs give it a kind of speckled punk esthetic. To me the whole thing looks an album cover for a country fusion artist. The colors, within the photographs and in the speckles, work extremely well together. The navigation is large and easy to use. The type, with the exception of the navigation, works with the design as well. It nicely emphasizes some things while deemphasizing others. The spacing and layout help guide the eye around the design nicely as well.

Just a couple of suggestions. Make sure the type in your navigation is horizontally and vertically centered within each circle button. Also, the different sizes of type add a different emphasis to different buttons. If that's what you want, leave them as is. If it's not, make sure they are the same size. I'd also make the navigation the same font as the "About Me" text. Finally, watch your margin on your descriptive paragraph.

Very nice work! I really like the esthetic of it and would like to see it as a real website.

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:08 pm
by nicolemae09
I enjoy both of your designs but I think the second one looks a little more professional. The only thing is everything from your navigation bar down seems a little squished. I would maybe work with the layout a little more. :)

-Ashley Anderson

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:29 pm
by papasmurf124
I really like the top one "You're on the road to success" so to speak. The final would be nice to see.

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:35 pm
by sierra_style
I think that the first one shows your personality nicely in the layout. The contrast is good and it draws the viewer in. The second one does look professional too. Not quite as fun though. The project 2 bubble seems to be a little bit off of the blues in the layout, maybe if you matched it off the image it would go better. I like it though!

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:40 pm
by dzynecin88
I really like the first rough alot. I'm a fan of movement in design and I like the way your first rough draws my eye through the design. I also like the geometric pattern of the second one, but find my eye jumping around rather than flowing with the information.

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:52 pm
by seancl123
I really like both designs and really like how they turned out, the layout, the colors, and they work well. The only thing i dont care for is the buttons on the second one, otherwise they are good.

Re: Project_#1_roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:44 pm
by Oreo_Chaos
the 1st is awesome, with your pic in the middle and the circular nav is fantastic, tighten this one up!