Final Critique for Project 1

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Re: Final Critique for Project 1

Post by Instructor »

Nice one, Yoshiki. Nice one indeed.

This design continues it's clean whimsy. It looks like a parody of a transit sign or in-flight manual. The colors play off of and compliment one another well. The clean lines of the drawings lend themselves to easy understanding. The font is well chosen and compliments the design as well. It has excellent margin and an easy to follow layout. Plus, I think "About me" is whispering at me, but I can't make out what he's saying. ;)

I would like to have seen a bit of text about you and some college and class information, but it's a hell of a good start.

Great work, sir. I look forward to seeing it in action.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Final Critique for Project 1

Post by seancl123 »

Your website is really nice i could definitely see something like this on a phone. Its really simple but it works really well. good job.
Sean Lee

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Re: Final Critique for Project 1

Post by japanese_panda »

I designed inside page also.

other pages will be same composition with the inside pages.

and I added some information left bottom! please check again
Yoshiki Katabami
