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Re: For Your Review - Project 1 Final Submission

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:57 pm
by japanese_panda
you made it much better!

you have two navigation button, left and right.
it makes me confused a little bit.

Can you combine ? you can put Project navigation button on right.

Re: For Your Review - Project 1 Final Submission

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:13 pm
by Instructor
Heh. The pics on this one crack me up.

You've got a clean look and feel here. The addition of the pale tan really helps warm up the piece and ties the burgundy type together. The images certainly make a statement as well. I'm not sure what that statement is, but they sure do make it. I like the blend of the sans-serif bodycopy and caligraphic type as well. It adds to the warmth of the website. This should be a pretty easy build once you go to make it real.

Just a few issues with this one. I would have had the email link in your name at the top be vertically centered. It's a little too close to the descender on the 'y'. Make your navigation buttons a little closer togather vertically. Watch your margins on your caption balloons, too. The type is awfully close on them. Also, the green is a color too many. The light tan and burgundy are working together nicely.

Nice effort!

Re: For Your Review - Project 1 Final Submission

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:03 am
by seancl123
The design is really like and clean, i like the texted bobbles that is something i have not seen, the only thing i would work on is the buttons need to be centered. great job