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Re: Tucker M - Final

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:28 am
by daveryjones
I really enjoy this. I like your illustration style and think this website will attract all types of viewers. What is the hazy mist around the jellyfish? It kind of confuses me. That's really the only suggestion I have though. Great work!

Re: Tucker M - Final

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:54 pm
by Instructor
Ooooh, very dark and Lovecraftian. Nice work, sir.

Your design uses it's grayscale color scheme very well to set a dark and mysterious mood. I can feel the fog rolling in on the above water page and an increasing sense of isolation and discomfort as I get further down. I like the whimsical themed backgrounds for each of your scrolling pages. They establish individual page themes and keep the website from getting too oppressive. I also like the blend of 2D and 3D graphics. It gives it a fractured modern gothic feel. As part of that, the design uses contrast beautifully.

Just two issues. One, I'm not sold on your page title typeface. I think it's difficult to read and doesn't add much to the composition. Two, your right margins on your titles are a little too tight for comfort.

But it does have a bonus kraken!

Very nice, Tucker!

Re: Tucker M - Final

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:58 am
by sierra_style
I like your layout a lot. The endless scroll/endless depth of the ocean is a very awesome theme. I think once you add what you were saying to the title page, to make it more of a title page its going to be sweet. Will be a fun website to look at finished for sure.

Re: Tucker M - Final

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:39 pm
by ravennvrmre
I really like what I’m seeing, you might think about tilting the titanic because it kind of looks like it’s still sailing which is a little disjointed from the sea life around it. I think your portfolio “page” looks fine and it’ll be the biggest “page” of them all so it makes sense that it’s built bigger. I also don’t think color is really needed in the website, it looks fine without it. However, if you did decide to go with color you could do a subtle blue background (so everything else is in a sort of silhouette) that gets darker and more dull as it goes. Great job and I look forward to seeing more.

Re: Tucker M - Final

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:11 am
by seancl123
This is a really good design and its going to work well. Its going to be interesting to see the final product on line.

Re: Tucker M - Final

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 3:31 pm
by jtenenbaum
Hi Tucker,
Truly unique and out-of-the-box creation! Great use of black & white color scheme and your imagery is way cool.
Nice work!