Project 1 Prelim!!!

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Re: Project 1 Prelim!!!

Post by Zera-Chann »

I love the first design! The are nice and vibrant the layout is easy to to navigate! my only thing is fix the margins in type just a little bit, but that a nit-pic

Good Luck!!

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Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:32 pm

Re: Project 1 Prelim!!!

Post by Tickosity »

I like your last designs, they feel very personable and welcoming to visitors with the light colors. I would say though that I would like some more contrast on the areas where your type is over the pink. I'm finding it difficult to read.
Latham Furman

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Re: Project 1 Prelim!!!

Post by matt »

These designs are equally attractive to me. I do think the first layout is much more visually appealing. Great colors, concept and font choices! number one would be my pick.
Matty James
