Project 3 Prelim

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Project 3 Prelim

Post by nicolemae09 »

Both sets are kind of similar but I really wanted to make sure I included Reno in both of them. The change is more in the use of the tmcc logo and the layout. The green logo that goes across the top is a traced illustration of the sierras, then in the second set of layouts there is more of a graphicy version of the logo to kind of enforce this is a graphics version. I am tried to do something a little more simple for the sake of my web design skill level.

Thanks for looking.
Sub B
Sub B
Home B
Home B
Sub A
Sub A
Home A
Home A

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by Ka80kins »

They feel like the same in design! I like the second one because the graphic is simple. But if your trying to use your illustration techniques then id go with the first. They both look good.
Kathryn Kennedy

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by lsimgrc175 »

I like Home B, just not the melting part
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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by j.alexis93 »

I like the idea of using the mountain as a navigation bar. I wanted to do something like that myself. I think the background should be transparent instead the box.

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by sara_kennedy1 »

my favorite is Home A and Sub A, the colors are pleasing to the eye and the Graphics in the top left corner are related to Tmcc.

-Sara Kennedy

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by »

I like the Home and Home B one. i think the layout is working well. I think you should try a different font for the links. The font you have now is too expressive.
-Warren Asher-

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by japanese_panda »

I like bottom one,but the words of TMCC looks pops off a little bit.

Nice and clean layout!
Yoshiki Katabami

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by Blackfïsk »

Hard to choose becuase they are all visually similar, but the second has nice header quality, I would not use the translucent box and just go with simple white.

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by papasmurf124 »

I like the layout. Hard to choose on which one. I'd like to see some body copy in one of the designs to see how you solve the transparency to the background. The Body copy might be a tough problem to solve... I had difficulties with it in my project one.
Robert Freudenthaler

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by punkassbookjockey »

I like the graphic on the second picture from the top. For overall design, you need to keep the picture the same and change the colors OR keep the color the same and change the design. That will make them feel like they are part of the same sight.
Jena Molina
