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Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:46 am
by Adobe WanKenobi
Hi everyone, My name is Jared Harper and I've been here in Reno for about 6 years now working and learning. I graduated with an AS in Spring of '15 but then found Graphic Design to be fascinating. I'm taking Web Design because I generally like layout in all forms and it seems to be a necessity this day and age for any designer. I pound coffee regularly at the Marketing and Communications office here at TMCC, where I work as the student Graphic Designer. Hope to get to know you all more in class and in open labs.

Re: Salutations!

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:16 pm
by erose
Hi Jared!

I did not have a hand in creating our website. I am actually a new-hire, starting earlier this week. So far, I spend most of my time at work prepping for some certification courses I need in order to dive into our systems.


Re: Salutations!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:56 pm
by Instructor
Welcome, Jared! That username is still cracking me up.

Everything you have learned about page layout in the GRC program applies 1 to 1 to web design. The only difference is that web design introduces interactivity to the process. What you'll really be getting out of the class is learning how to code. HTML and CSS are pretty easy to pick up as programming languages go and once you know them, plus web design, plus graphic design, that's a pretty formidable skill set there.

I look forward to seeing what designs you turn out in this class.