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Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:11 pm
by erose
Hi everyone! I am Ed, and I am providing two roughs for our Project #1. They are image representations of two possible web page looks I could go with moving forward with Projects #2 & #3. These two designs represent what I seem to always create by default when I have zero assets to begin with. Almost always, I will use only white, black and blue (or combinations of those colors), and usually not too busy.
What I'm very much looking forward to is feedback from all of you. If I were the only person surfing the web, I'd be so awesome at this! :lol:

Here is a link to the document listing some information & inspiration. It's a Word doc. ... rc175.docx

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:58 pm
by michelek
Hi Ed,
I like both of your designs but I am really drawn to the first one. The contrast between the dark silhouette of the buildings makes a nice statement, catches the eye. Nice placement of text and good color choices. The other layout the only thing I can see that needs tweaking is the body text gets just a little lost in the background. Opacity may need to be changed a wee bit. Very nice designs

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:26 pm
by Stephski

Both designs are great, although I prefer the first one. I think the typeface you chose for your name is wonderful. I wouldn't change a thing on your Sophisticated page. The Techie page is very good looking as well, the navigation bar in particular. For that design I would only make your name stand out even more.

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 10:40 pm
by KKentera_5000
Both very neat concepts Ed. The one on top is sleek and kind of gives off an impression of 1940's Film noir or graphic novel appeal. I like the design on the bottom just fine too-hexagonal patterns always seem to lend themselves to tech concepts well. I would go with the top just because it leaves room for the imagination and is a lil' mysterious, it'll make people want to investigate the site further.

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:42 pm
by Instructor
Ah-HA! We have our first one of these of the semester. Image

It looks like you have two equally good designs to choose from here, Ed. The choice of which one to go with is yours.

Your first design has a clean, urban ethic to it with just a hint of mysteriousness. It uses color and lighting to great effect. I love the gradient and backlighting. Each design element is well placed. They have great margins but are not so far apart from each other that the composition looses unity. Your typeface is well chosen. You even managed to use a glow in a non-annoying manner. Your navigation is large and easy to see and use. Your bodycopy is easy to read and perfectly placed. Even your TMCC logo compliments the design.

My only real issue with it is the low quality background image. I'd recommend redrawing the thing in Illustrator so you have a nice clean version of it.

Your second design is every bit as good. Where your first one is smooth and contemporary, this one is futuristic and dynamic. The design is either exploding out from the lower left, or falling into it. I like the use of the bodycopy block as the visual anchor in the document. You don't see that much with websites. The navigation is very easy to see and use and I really like the critical role it plays in the layout. The colors (basically the same ones used on the first design) come off as cool and futuristic. The repeating hexagon theme is cool as well. It really helps the futurism angle on this one.

I think some justified bodycopy would complete the hard, techy edge here. I'd also recommend vertically and horizontally centering each nav button in it's ray.

Good luck deciding between the two.

Awesome work!

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:42 pm
by BreeAnn
Hey Ed,

I like both designs. The honey comb design draws my eye to your paragraph, and then to the options to click on as they shoot out of the page. I am more drawn to the cityscape design, I'm probably just bias towards cities though. You talk about liking both starwars and startrek in your paragraph, maybe you can give it more of a si-fi feel. Maybe a belt (like Saturn) on one of the buildings, or a tube highway or something in the sky... It might speak more to your personality.

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:43 pm
by elizabeth_mccurdy
hello Ed,

I like both designs but I really like the first one with the city in the back. I like the contrast with the dark night and the light type. I think it is stronger and the image in the position that it is makes it look good. I think the only thing I will change is the bottoms I think maybe a different type or work more with the effects to put a shadow or glow.

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:38 pm
by sarah.alvarado
Hello Ed,
I am really liking both of your designs but I am personally drawn to the first one. The background image is really eye-catching and contrasts nicely with your blue gradient. Blue is also a very calming color so I think it works very nicely for an informational webpage. I think it may be beneficial to incorporate a nav bar instead of just having your links suspend in mid air since they give off the feeling of being placed there without any other thought. Great job so far and I can't wait to see what else you do!

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:49 pm
by gracelark
Hi Ed,
Great design work. Both feel very fresh and expansive. I think I lean toward the second design, as the rays make the page feel very dynamic. I might add a little more contrast? Also, I don't think that the TMCC logo necessarily needs its own ray; I might stick it in the bottom right corner. The first design does feel modern and classic at the same time; it holds some weight and feels 'important'. Nice stuff.

Re: Project #1 - Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 6:12 pm
by Adobe WanKenobi
I love the modern deco style of the buildings in the first on and the theme fits well with it, but your second design is so unique. The navigation that radiates around the rest of the design. You might work with the text box on the second one a bit. Great work though.