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Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:28 pm
by sarah.alvarado
I decided to diverge from the norm and redesign a site based on esoteric angel knowledge. The site features some relatively compelling information on a boring, outdated web page. So far my two designs both feature similar color palettes with different layouts. I wanted to create a site that had both a welcoming appearance and yet was brimming with knowledge. Currently I have very little information that will actually be included in the site (trying to sift through all of the information on the current webpage is maddening to say the least) so there will be much more added in the near future. Thank you in advance for any and all of your suggestions!

Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:55 pm
by elizabeth_mccurdy
Hi Sarah,

I like both designs, I am glad you change the color of the original page. I am really like the first rough look a lot better that the original. I love your design #1. That home page is great specially the colors and the picture in the background. I think they go perfect with this page. I Also think the position make the navigation easy and clear. I just think I will bring up the name where said "Angelic Resources" I think will be easy to read. Great work ! :D

Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:45 am
by Adobe WanKenobi
These are so clean Sarah! I love em, the article slideshow is a nice touch. I think I prefer the top horizontal navigation and the telescoping text boxes of design 1.

The only thing I would suggest is playing with that opacity on the header.

That is all.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:55 am
by erose
Hi Sarah:

I think both designs are a great improvement. You tackled a big one here, with the hideous dual vertical nav bars on the actual site. There is sooooo much information on that home page, you did a really great job categorizing that information into a few links on your home pages. I think your 1st design is the better of the two. The horizontal layout looks really nice!

Great job!

Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:46 pm
by Stephski
Hello Sarah,
Indeed, the website you chose needs a fresh new design! I really like you second design, mostly your layout for the pages. The large image/slideshow is perfect for this type of website. The only thing I would change is in the navigation bar to the left, maybe you should create a drastic separation between your navigation and the social media links. I think they would look good at the bottom of that bar. That's all :)

Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:13 pm
by BreeAnn
Hi Sarah,

Nice improvements of the original site! I think the horizontal version is the better of the two, it's more visually appealing to me. The vertical version feels forced and a little like it's falling off the page. The suggestion I have for both designs is to move the social media links, footer maybe?

Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:45 pm
by Instructor
Oooh, cool. I like what you've done here.

I like your first, more horizontal design the best. I really like it's use of contrast to move the eye through the design. The footer is particularly strong as a framing device. Your color choices are very strong. They stay out of the way of the imagery but always remind your brain that they're there keeping you calm and collected. The semi-transparency at the top works to give it an other-worldly feeling. Your image/article gallery area is very strong and provides an immediate focal point for the eye to latch on to. Your navigation is nicely places and easy to see/use as are your social media icons.

Watch your margins a little bit in the inner page. Your accordions are a little tight and I'd add a little extra top and bottom padding to the darker gray-blue container for the headline and subhead above the accordion set.

Nice work!

Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:48 pm
by Instructor
Adobe WanKenobi wrote:


Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:03 pm
by EduardoG
Hi Sarah,
Both of your web page design a simply incredible! Such an amazing redesign from the original web site!
I like your "webpage_1" rough design the most, since the hierarchy for the design is better, (e.g. the image and "Expand Your Mind" text) is more eye catching than the second design, in my option.
There's not much I can think of to change for the rough, besides making the distance between the image and the footer shorter.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:10 am
by IvorHarvey
For me I think that the first design has a better feel to it. I like how everything is horizontal and the "Expand Your Mind" is really the central focus on this one. I don't feel like you need the underline below the navigation and the logo, because the image breaks it up effectively without it. I really like the idea that you can scroll through the pages with the navigation arrows, and you don't only have to use the links on the top of the page. I also like how in the second image of the first design you can click the little + buttons and the box expands instead of taking you to a new page!