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Project 2 Final

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:51 am
by IvorHarvey
ALRIGHT! So I finally got everything working they way I wanted with all the fonts so you won't have to download them! (Thanks to Ed- he's the real MVP!) I realize now with the fonts embedded that each screen takes quite some time to load, mainly because of the heavy font (I think..)

So heres the final final FINAL outcome of it.

Re: Project 2 (Link working now)

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:15 pm
by erose
Hi Ivor!

You have definitely improved on the wack-a-doo site! I like the feel a lot. Your background images really set a nice tone. I'm actually finding myself wanting to hear some mysterious music in the background. Ha! I installed that font on my system, but I am still unable to view your site as you intended. It really looks nice with the font I can see, but I bet it looks way awesome with that coalition font!
A great way to make sure that your fonts work the way you want, is to define them in your css file. This way, you're not dependent on whether or not someone has the font installed. Here's an example: ... r-ivor.txt

I really like it!!

NICE. I can see the fonts now! Makes a huge difference. :D
The fonts on your index page are way better too!

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:32 pm
by BreeAnn
Nice work Ivor! I think you did a really good job of recreating your personal home page, and the bad web site goes without saying.

I'm not sure how I feel about the navigation moving from the home page to all the rest. That said, I don't think it would fit well at the top, so I'm torn. Also, Is there a reason why there's a big space in the middle column of the about page?

Overall really nice work!

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:11 pm
by michelek
Hi Ivor,

What an improvement on the "ugly" website. Yours makes sense as where the original gave me a migraine trying to figure it out.

Overall nice work on all your pages.

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:39 pm
by KKentera_5000
Wow! Ivor! I look at this page and it's like you had a similar design concept as my original Robot Bushido Warriors web page from 119 but you actually hit it out of the park!; whereas mine was a failure. I'm assuming that it's loading slowly because the big .jpg for the b.ground, but I see why it's a .jpg cuz it has a lot of color and probs wouldn't look right as a .png so unfortunately I have no helpful answers cuz Idk what to do to fix it. (maybe a .png24, but i've never even used that yet-not sure) I love the color schemes and it's just overall a very interesting and entertaining design. Way to go Buddy! Awesome Show! Great Job!

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:32 pm
by Instructor
Looking good, Ivor! FYI, the fonts work on my work PC so your design is running nicely.

I like the cleaned up version of your preliminary design you've used here. You've really improved upon what was already a great design. The website is super easy to navigate and works really well to interest me in this madman's board game. Your background images work well with the entire story this website is trying to tell. Your externally injected fonts are working on just about any browser I test in. They're well chosen and add to the sci-fi feel of the whole thing. And the bright colors work to sell the cover of an 80s sci-fi novel well.

I don't think it needs to be as wide as it is. It clips off the edges at most smaller resolutions. Maybe make your type scalable?

Excellent job!