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Project 2 final

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:24 pm
by BreeAnn
Hi All!

Looks like I forgot to actually post my site here after I uploaded it! Oops... Well, here it is!

Do your worst! ... n_st_onge/

Re: Project 2 final

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:17 pm
by michelek
Hi BreeAnn,

Love how fun your Penny Juice website looks. Great improvement over the original site which was so overdone, like a big sugar rush. Easy to navigate, fun colors, and the images went well with the content of the site.

Great job

Re: Project 2 final

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:47 pm
by erose
Hi BreeAnn!

I think it's really well done. It's easy to look at and to get around. The colors you chose for the text work great with the layout. I'm glad you went with the kids font too. I think it was smart making the font size larger when you had less content on a page, it makes the testimonials page seem like really important reading. The only suggestion I would have at all would be for a little good 'ol alignment action for your form on the order page. :D
I like it a lot!

Re: Project 2 final

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:24 pm
by KKentera_5000
Hey BreeAnne,
Excellent Job on both gateway and penny juice site! You've got consistency throughout the pages which really makes it cool. I kinda wish now that my pages reflected that consistency more. Your approach has really achieved your intended goals and It literally makes me want to drink juice. I (no joke) had to get up and pour myself a glass of V8 splash as I was looking at your site. There is a lot of heirarchy with the text that makes it easy to understand the point of each link/page.

I wish there was a lil' more contrast between the text and the fruit image, maybe just a lil' bit of text shadow would make it easier to read but it's not bad the way it is- I just have to say one constructive criticism comment ya know? Overall I think you have hit this one out of the park Yo!

Re: Project 2 final

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:22 pm
by Instructor
More facelessness?! What the hell is going on with you people?

I really like what you've done with your Project 2. It's a noticeably cleaner layout than your preliminary work indicated. I also appreciate the noticeable lack of Comic Sans. The entire site is just super clean and easy to read. That colorful nav bar stands out well and holds it's own against your logo. Your type is easy to read and follow and the background pictures are well placed and work well.

I would like to have seen more fruit/food/juice pictures in the background of your pages. Also, I'm not sold on the visited link style in your main navigation. Your form is a little messy.

Good job! Everything is, by and large, working really nicely.