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Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 7:23 am
by ktwy
Here are the two inspirational sites I found:
- is a portfolio site that has very nice 80's city night-life feel to it, a good color scheme, and easy navigation.
- is also a portfolio site, but for a cartoonist. This one uses large blocks of image to balance each other. I enjoy the whimsical nature of this site, and the consistent theme.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 11:10 am
by Instructor
I like the geometry and contrast in your resume theme design. I'm a sucker for contrast and that one has great contrast in a whole bunch of different ways.

I especially like it's typography. Your sans-serif type works well with the geometric background. Both establish a smooth, high-tech feel to the whole website. Which makes the sharp contrast of the script type all the more amusing. The cool overall layout is punctured by this playful script and it provides just enough warmth to establish an emotional rapport with the reader. I really like the 80s 3D modelling tinker toy geometric shapes in the background. Very Justin Maller. Your navigation is large, easy to find, and easy to read and use. Your warm brown works well with the blacks, grays, and whites of the website. In fact, it's grayscale nature makes the warm brown stand out. I also like the semi-transparency of the bodycopy container as well. Just one last little touch of visual interest.

Use a little wider gutter between your paragraphs to give them a little room to breathe. I'd also recommend adding a little spacing between paragraphs. A single line should do it. Right now your bodycopy looks like one big imposing block. It needs to be broken up a bit.

Nicely done!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:46 pm
by chaytothet
Love love love the logo/name. Great use of variety!

I also like the resume one, it's simple, concise, yet has enough variety to retain interest.

One thing I would look into is possibly beefing up the headline a bit, I know it was originally for your resume, but I think you could put more visual interest into the right-hand side of the site. Maybe buttons or a picture of you!

Design on.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 2:43 pm
by selvster5000
Hey there,

Your top design stands out to me. I like your color schemes and the gradient used for your links. Good job!
I might play around with the dimensions of your body copy box though and enlarge the headline. But
overall nice job.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:15 pm
by Peelio
Hello Kristianna,

The first one feels more conservative and formal. Honestly, the color of the bars on the left make me think of make-up, lol, but I don't think it is a problem. The line elements at the top right and left bottom of the page add quite a bit of interest. If the navigation buttons were a little transparent, you could see the line objects in the background more. That could be neat or maybe not. ;)

I prefer the second design with the CMYK colors. This homepage has more "charisma" and visual interest with the colors. The block with the contact info at the bottom seems easier to find than a link to your contact info like in the first design. Overall, I think your typefaces are strong and each design has a good layout and flow/feel.

Adding some color print test graphics (see below) to the second design could be fun.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:33 pm
by susielang

Really liking the resume style one. What you did with the different typefaces is great. I like the contrast and how it is easy to read.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:03 pm
by Pearl_Underwood
Hello Kristianna,

The top one really grabbed me. I like the layout, and the font for your name. I think the dog placed in there would be a nice addition...not too sure of the geometrical shapes.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:42 pm
by Ariesboxsye
I like the second option, nice and colorful around the layout, framing the body paragraph nicely. Use of the image doesn't feel like part of the layout and more apart of the body paragraph about yourself, maybe find a place for it that makes it feel more permanent to the layout over all.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:52 pm
by Zera-Chann
Hey there Kristianna!

I really like both designs, but if i had to pick one I'm leaning towards the first one a bit more. I like the use of minimalistic and simple colors scheme and how easy it is to navigate.

One thing I would work on is your body copy, adding spacing between the paragraph's and it looks like it blending altogether.

Cain't wait to see the finished project!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:55 pm
by CarnutianDragon
Hi Kristianna,

Your first design stands out to me most. I like the formal, clean feel that it gives off. Your use of monochromatic colors accompanied with the off white and light grays creates nice contrast. I would decrease the amount of type that you have on the page since it is pretty overwhelming and ends abruptly at the end of the page.

Great job and I can't wait to see the finished product! :D