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Aries Project 1

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 2:05 pm
by Ariesboxsye
These are my project one layout concepts. My inspirations come from sources that i personally visit day to day for hobby reasons.
This site's concept on how to move the navigation away from simply lining up at the top is something that drove some sketches and even one of my roughs to do the same. One item I wanted to point out is how a link button floats down with you as you browse the page, part of me wants to try it but feel its more for an advance class.
The sits over all design feel is punkish feel, mixing blacks an purples to give this punk rock an roll style. How this website design style reflects the content is actually what draws me to it more than anything. With each of the comic reflect so sort of dark humor, dark setting, or even fan based intake, you get a good feeling of what the artists are trying to show simply with how the scheme of the layout of this sight is.

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 2:46 pm
by chaytothet

I like these designs, they are eye catching! Nice Bright colors :)

I prefer the second one, but the headline might use some lightening to make sure it pops!

Design on.

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:05 pm
by selvster5000

Both designs are very visually pleasing although I prefer the top design.
I like the curvature on either side, I haven't seen a design like that before.
Great job! My only suggestion would be to lighten up the pink background.
A soft pink may be easier on the eyes:)

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:54 pm
by susielang

Both designs are great. I am leaning toward the second one because of the layout and the color. The color really pops!

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:30 pm
by ktwy
I really like the second design because it has a nice hierarchy to it. I like the first design too, but the bright pink sides are a little too distracting from the site itself. Maybe you could try a more subtle color on the sides, and use the pink in an area where you want to draw attention?
Also, good choice for the color scheme and fonts!

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:50 pm
by Jose_M
The concept for both are visually interesting, or eye candy as some people call it, and you can go with either one, but the things that need improvement are the location of the logo and the title. The title needs to pop up more. Also the low opacity boxes behind the text seem uninteresting and flat and I get why you put that there, to include the text, but I think there is another answer to that. some research would help. Aside from that colors a good and layout is good as well.

Jose Macias.

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:43 pm
by Pearl_Underwood
Hello Aries,
I get a real mystical feel when I see these, very calming, however, I think I like the first one best. They eye is pretty awesome!

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:14 pm
by Instructor
Ah, you've got a pretty unique design sensibility here, Aries. Nice!

I like your second one a little better. I think it works with the nebula/starfield/splatter background better. It also really takes advantage of the contrast you've established with the color scheme. The video game d-pad makes for a good logo and the way it blends with your nav bar is really strong. Your type is working well together. The script serves to soften some of the hard edges and the sans-serif serves to present information in a comprehensible, easy to read manner. I like the framing you've established with the large top bar and bright magenta footer. A good example of asymmetrical balance. The logo mark works well with the composition too.

I really don't think you need individual buttons in your nav bar. I think if you pulled the buttons and just made your navigation text magenta, it'd do basically the same thing. Left align your bodycopy too, it reads weird. Add a little more room to the left and right edges of your text container, too. That way you'll have equal margins top and bottom, left and right. Heck, I'm not even sure you need a text box. I'd be curious to see what your type looks like reversed out white against the background.

Good effort!

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:20 pm
by Kyler_Rose
Overall I think you should Mix elements from both designs together, I like both of the them but at the same time there are a few things that bug me as well. One the first template the pink curved sides stand out way to much and pull away from the over all design of the website, so maybe either change the color, make the curve smaller or take it out all together. As the fore nav bar. Its need to be all in One Row and not extent onto another line down. The nav bar itself make it a box and have it not go across the entire screen. The Second Template the footer area is some what to bright and needs to be smaller. Also have the Tmcc Logo Bend Together with your Footer. Lastly Dont forget to add a picture of yourself some where into the design.

Re: Aries Project 1

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:28 pm
by CarnutianDragon
Hi Aries,

Both of your designs are visually interesting and have awesome choices in color, font, and shape. I would choose your first design since it feels better contained and laid out (the amount of text in your second design is a bit overwhelming). I would suggest either changing the color of the text in your buttons, since it disappears when placed on the light pink, or make your buttons the same color as your side elements.

Great job and I can't wait to see the finished product! :D