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Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:49 pm
by Zera-Chann
For My rough my first rough I wanted to play the analogous colors with reds and purples and I want to show a bit of my feminine side
For My second on was mainly trying for the same as the first one, but testing out placement and dealing with the purples

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 6:22 pm
by chaytothet

These are both super similar, I take it you are married to this idea! Good Commitment!

I like the colors, but I feel like you need some other colors in there, and the body copy is a little hard to read, maybe something less frilly? Just so we are sure to be able to read it!

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 6:29 pm
by susielang
I like your illustrations. I would focus on putting in more contrast and also focusing on making the site more readable. Cool colors!

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 8:12 pm
by selvster5000
Hi there,

Your character design is awesome, nicely designed, good job!

Both layouts are def similar to each other, so I would go with the one you like best. I
have one suggestion though. It seems that the body text and your headline seem to
get lost using white text. I would choose a darker color for the text so this problem
won't occur, or get ride of the transparency in the text shape box.

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:18 am
by Instructor
Very colorful!

I like the layout of the first one better. The red and purple color scheme are working nicely too. The red draws in your eye and makes for a nice background to contrast against. The pruple works with the red, but cools it down slightly and brings the eye over to your navigation. The script type is working well as a headline and navigation font. Your navigation is easy to see and use. Except for some issues with your nav button text, your margins are quite good. I can find all the elements necessary to get what info I need quickly and easily.

Move the anime self portrait in behind the navigation. The poor thing is being overwhelmed by your bodycopy and we can't see much of her. You might not even need the text boxes at that point. I'm not sure your script type is working as bodycopy. I think a nice, clean, sans-serif typeface would do wonders. I'd also either shrink your navigation text slightly, or expand your buttons slightly to give a little margin between the edges of the text and the edges of your buttons.

Not bad.

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:42 pm
by Pearl_Underwood
These are both awesome! I think either one would work...NICE job!

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:51 pm
by Ariesboxsye
Second one obviously allows your drawn image to be on a better display than the first. The body font is too curvy and loses readability.

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:22 pm
by CarnutianDragon
Hello darlin'!

I really enjoy both of your designs. The bright colors accompanied by your whimsical choice in font create a friendly, happy-go-lucky vibe for your webpage. Not to mention your wonderful character design! I would suggest changing the font in your body copy to sans serif for legibility reasons.

Wonderful job and I can't wait to see your finished product! :D

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 12:38 pm
by Kyler_Rose
Both of your website are very nice, just be careful when placing text over an image it makes it alittle hard to read at some points. Template 2 I would say is the better one only because it is easier to read than the first one.

Overall nice colors that blend well to gether, but the only problem is trying to read the text over your background image. Maybe also change your font type for the body copy.

Template 2
The Colors here work alot better i think compared to template 1 again though the text is hard to read with being able to see your background.

Re: Project 1 Roughs

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 7:22 pm
by erika.murray
Nice job on illustrations! I really like the pink color and use of sparkly butterflies in the first design, but I wish it had the space that the second design has. Maybe apply those to the second? Also, I would use a different typeface for the body copy, the script becomes hard to read.