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Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:39 pm
by CarnutianDragon
For this project I chose to do the website Draconika Dragons:

For my first design I chose to focus on the myth and majesty behind draconian lore, with much of my design being derived from Celtic influence. I chose to diverge from the commonly used color red and instead, make use of greens and yellows to invoke mystery and wonder. The fonts I chose to use for this version of my site are Scurlock, for the larger text and logo, and Centaur MT Std, used for my subtext and body copy. I also chose to include the drop-down menu on my homepage to illustrate how it will work.
For my second design I chose to create a simple, easy to navigate webpage focusing more on information rather than visual appeal. This design also ended up reminding me of early era video game start menus. For this design I chose to continue with the yellow and green coloration, and ended up centering all text and navigation to create a nice alignment. The fonts I chose for this design are Cardinal, for the logo and larger text, and Centaur MT Std, for subtext and body copy. The drop-down menu is also shown on the design depicting the homepage.
To note, the second page of both designs will have more information on dragon types (this was just illustrated for the concept). Also all images will be replaced by my own artwork.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:48 am
by erika.murray
Very nice job, the visual interest is high with both of these layouts. I love the ripped away header image and the typefaces. I would go with your second layout because the type is more organized, although for the homepage you should bring in the image from the first homepage rough and add it to the left of the text. I really like the inner page of your first rough, so maybe combine that with the homepage from your second rough. Make sure that your drop down menu doesn't cover the content. Cool ideas here, great work!

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:32 pm
by susielang
The type is way more organized in the second layout. But I really like the images in your first layout. So maybe combine those in the layout. Like the typeface you used. Reflects well on your subject. Dragons are cool.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:38 pm
by Instructor
Oooooh, a dragon website!

Go with "version_1". I especially like the photo header. It establishes a great feel for the website right off the bat. Nice choice with the dragon photos, too. I like the shades of green also. It gives the website a mysterious feel, like some old grimoire. Your logo redesign is fantastic and very appropriate for your theme. I also like that you've carried that type over to your navigation and headlines. For all that, it's still readable. Your bodycopy works as well. The serif type goes well with the old book feel you wanted to establish, yet still retains its legibility.

I don't think you need the Celtic knot border between your nav and your bodycopy. You have enough space that the separator is unnecessary. Watch your left and right margins on your bodycopy block.

Nicely done!

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:16 pm
by selvster5000
WOW, both of these are awesome. My particular favorite is the first layout. The image use here is super strong and I love the color scheme. I would recommend to shrink down the image line that separates the navigation from "Dragon Types" in your additional page layout. I feel as it's too big and distracts from all the cooler elements surrounding it. Overall nicely done!

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:31 pm
by JulianEmme
I like the typographical organization of the second one but the photos of the first one better, a combination of the two would be dope. The colors work really well and so do the typefaces, good job! I'm not sure if you need the image that separates the dragon image and the type? maybe just make everything larger/ tighter and get rid of the celtic imagery; just a thought.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:49 pm
by Peelio
The design with the forest at the top is strong and visually appealing. The dragon image would flow better if it were pointing to the left. The navigation and everything is easy to read and understand. The Celtic theme and colors ties the design together well.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:05 pm
by Kyler_Rose
Overview: Both of your websites are looking great if i had to pick between the two i would say your first template is the best, the graphics really work well with the rest of the design.

Template 1: Over all I cant think of anything that you could improve on this.

Template 2: The layout of each element is working well, I only have two problems the celitc symbols running down the side of the website is somewhat distracting and text aglin centers for the body paragraph is a little hard to read sometimes.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:01 pm
by Jose_M
The second rough is the one to go with, it is laid out better and the silhouette works really well with the headline. The one thing to change is: for the to images you can put it through photoshop and remove the background then place it on the web-page and enlarge it.

Jose Macias.

Re: Project 2 Preliminary

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:20 pm
by darian_p
SARAH!!! THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love the green! I think the second version works better in layout but your first one withe imagery and navigation.