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Project 3 Final - Peelio

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:30 am
by Peelio
Hey everybody,

What a great semester it has been in web design I!

Here is the link to my live project 3. ... index.html


PS. If you're interested, here's a link to my project 2 of which I never had time to post. ... index.html

Re: Project 3 Final - Peelio

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:43 am
by breezy

I loved seeing all your amazing designs this semester, great job!

Re: Project 3 Final - Peelio

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:40 am
by ktwy
Project 2: LOVE LOVE LOVE! I hope you showed this to the Zoo because they need to pay you for this beaut. You even changed the small picture on the tab bar (what that thing called again??)

Project 3: I can tell where you were going with this, but my browser messed it up a bit. The nav bar and background are really good, but I think the main body still needs a little love.

Great job on both!

Re: Project 3 Final - Peelio

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:11 pm
by fjbo
Great Job on Project 2, I really do think that some kind of Final Project feeling to it. It was very thoughtfully done.

The Strong: The style. Colors. Visual Elements. Concepts that you worked on. FAVICON. You added some elements that were not included at this stage of the course/program (which is very, very good). Also the behavior of your buttons is great. The logo was a very good addition and it is well done too.

The Not-So Strong: Layout. Content distribution. Call-to-action buttons. I believe that your layout could be more consistent and distributed to the whole screen rather than just to the left ( a quick, easy fix, and some-how necessary is using your left black panel from the home screen in all of your pages. Call to action buttons need to be almost seamless (in terms of being part of the whole design) but also it has to be something that catches your eye and calls for attention based on its target's contents or topics. Your call-to-actions are very very visible, which is good; however, personally I believe that a banner would have work best to describe what that page (the one that you want the user to visit) has to offer in a more visual way and use a button graphic to call for the action.

As an overall design it's pretty cool I like, I get some kind of Sci-Fi or Get into action feeling attach to it.

The Strong: The Color Palette. Contrast. Use of texture. Amount of Imagery. The color palette is very contrasting and action-driver as a design I liked it. The colors generates a lot of contrast making the text to be easier to use. I like the contrasting texture for your background and page sections, the texture itself its pretty edgy (in a good way) consistent with your whole design. You have a lot of imagery going around which is very good.

The Not-So Strong: Brand Identity. Navigation Elements. Text Layout. So for this project I think Branding was a very huge factor to have in consideration, at the end the goals is to promote the college, as the college itself. I think that this works as its own identity very well in deed, and not too well for the college as the college. In regards to the navigation, for instance as a student, my main concern is what I am going to learn, how long is going to take and how much is going to cost me, but I could not find any relevant information at the homepage, additionally the menu needs some work in terms of design and logic flow. The text layout is a bit inconsistent between pages, make sure to be as consistent as possible.

This two projects have its own identity. Very good job!