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Project 1

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:36 pm
by Jaime Ramey
Hi Everyone, My concept for the website goes like this...
My goal for the pinball machine is to have the ball actually move through out the game. If the pinball game is chosen more detail will be added. I like the colors and it seems to look fun and happy and I love to challenge to make this game actually work.

2nd example.. I am thinking of using a picture under a solid color and having the site move through the first page through the to the 3rd page. So it's always moving and the page with the information could be a down click. I think this too because it always changing and that basically how my art come to be. I can't ever make up my mind.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:05 am
by agostina_renau
Hey! These two are really good. Great simplicity on the one with the traim tracks, and great idea with the pinball. I can see it full of neon lights for later on!!

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:09 am
by tandyg
Hi Jamie,
I would go the train route. The image is engaging with the locomotive coming toward to viewer. The animation of the pinball machine is great but I would consider the appeal more towards a kid site with the colors. You have great layouts, I can understand liking them both. They are both clean and appealing to want to get more content from.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:25 pm
by veronica chapman
they are so different. I love that you explained your vision, it makes it much easier to envision what you are going for. Honestly I would love to see both finished! :D

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:54 pm
by Drakula
Hello Jamie,

I like your direction, you have an interesting design point of view. Both of your designs are very intriguing to me, I guess it depends on the content lol. You have a very strong aesthetic. Great Job!

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:59 pm
by tweetysmurf2350
I really like the pinball idea. It would be fun if you could get the interactivity to work right. Maybe make the colors a bit brighter and neon.

Hope this helps,

Re: Project 1

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:57 pm
by Jones
I found the first two options more intriguing, though the concept on the second one is super fun. The image and color choice for the first two are more in line with my personal style. I like how the image pulls you down into the body text.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:49 pm
by Stasiavous
Hello! The pinball design is genius! I'd love to see where you go with it. I love the train layout for it's simplicity and the color is beautiful. I think it's my favorite!

Re: Project 1

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:19 pm
by Instructor
Ooooh, a pinball layout. How fun! Your train layout is a super clean fallback, but I think you should explore the pinball one more.

What a neat idea! It's fun and it blends your layout and navigation. You could have rollovers that light up! I like the bright, fun colors you chose. It makes the website look like a toy and makes me want to play with it. The navigational typography on your playfield is working well also. It's bright and fun like the rest of the design and is legible and easy to use as navigation. The rest of your layout is super clean and get's out of the way of your content and fun navigation. Your white background serves as a blank photo studio background to "pose" your composition against. I like your text placement, if not necessarily it's layout. Your social media links keep the fun going on both your computer and your phone layouts.

I find the vertical type on the phone layout difficult to read. I see what you were going for conceptually, but let's not break our users more than necessary, okay? I also don't care for the "digital" font you used for your name and for the backglass on the pinball machine. I think it clashes with the pinball aesthetic you're going for. Pinball machines are very analog so I think you should look at fonts that would be used on signs and billboards for your other typeface. Besides, you have at least three typefaces being used here and that's one too many. I'd also recommend either justifying your bodycopy so it becomes a shape you can use in your layout or adding extra spacing in between your paragraphs. Watch your left margin on your bodycopy. It's too close to the edge of the page at the moment.

Nifty concept! Keep up the good work.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:23 pm
by jason_hosier
Wow the second set is really great. I prefer the way they are laid out and you intend on having an interactive component. your colors and type go together well. I cant wait to see how it turns out.