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Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:04 am
by tweetysmurf2350
Hi Yall!
Micheal, in his infinate wisdom, choose my dad's website for me to redesign.

My dad is an internet pastor as well as a pastor in a church in the San Fransisco, bay area. I chose his website as one of my options because 1) it is very basic and two.... He repeats the same images over and over again, with just changing the title on them.

I got my inspiration from other christian websites such as:


and trust me it was hard to find some good christian websites. Some of the ones I saw were.... *shudder*

Also, I redesigned his logo because, let's face it, just making the first letter of each word white is not a good logo.

I have two homepages for layout 2 because I am not sure which one to go with. I like the idea of the parallax scrolling that Micheal showed us last class but I don't know if it would be too much.

Thanks for your input,
Terri J. Taber

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:03 pm
by kayla.pressburger
I really like the new logo you made! I also like both of your concepts, but I prefer your first layout a bit more. On your menu in the first mobile layouts where it says "Start a relationship with Jesus" I would put 'Start' and 'a' on the same line. Hopefully that makes sense! These are definitely an improvement from the original website!

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:31 am
by Drakula
The original site needed some love! I like your first designs, but there is a bit of a clash between the images and the color scheme. I'd suggest toning one or the other down a bit. Good job!

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:05 pm
by emilyduke
This is fun lol. I like the first design the best, although both are nice, I think the images add a lot of interest to that one, I would suggest testing different colors for the navigation bar etc. I think the colors kind of clash between the navigation and the cloud image, cross image, etc.

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:09 pm
by raton de biblioteca
I really like the 3rd image on the page. This one is the most clean and has space to take in each of the images separately. I would go with this one if you are going to go with a fun parallax website!

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 7:22 pm
by Jones
I prefer the first offering the best. I like the use of clouds as your background and the layout is easy to understand and navigate. Nice lay out.

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:46 am
by veronica chapman
I prefer the last three designs. A bit less cluttered than the previous designs and I think the font you use in the Header is much better.

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:32 pm
by Instructor
That logo is fantastic BTW! I'm smiling looking at it.

I'd say the best of these is "viral-believer-layout-2-homepage-01.png". It's a clean layout with well placed navigation (assuming it matches the inner page buttons). Your type is well chosen. The script type is working especially well as a logo type and the sans-serif is easy to read as the bodycopy. I like the prominent placement of the social media links and the image based article links. You've made good use of margins, so nothing feels too crowded. Good use of proximity to separate the man content from the article links on the side column (right on the homepage, left on the inner page). The content imagery seems pretty good throughout. Remember to select for warm images to work with your cool background.

I'd recommend changing the green. It's clashy with the blue cloud background. Heck, I'm not hugely sold on the cloud background either. I think your mobile design, "viral-believer-layout-2-homepage-02.png" shows the way to use it: as a texture behind certain parts of the website. I really think you can bring in a lot of the design from that design to really make your computer version better, actually. That multi-column image at the bottom really works and the semi-transparency really cancels out a lot of the clash with the green and adds in some interesting textures. The warm orange, brown, gold, and yellow colors from the images work well against the blue too. Images like that will really help you out on your computer version.

Good effort!

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:04 pm
by jason_hosier
I really like the forest green color. Watch your margins. :mrgreen:

Re: Project #2 Roughs

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:57 pm
by evexhouses
Wow definite upgrade! The ideas you had for this are all so good! I do agree with others that the first one is my favorite! Its easy to navigate and seems super Holy! I would try to see if there is a better way to lay out your photos though!