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Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:08 pm
by brienicole

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:26 pm
by smith206
Looks good. I like all the hidden stuff like the hidden link back to your homepage as well as the pop up of your son. Overall you have a very cool style with blackboard and everything goes together well. Nice job

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:03 pm
by miss_kristine
Very "mysterious" with all it's subtleties. I love your Brie definitions. It is probably due to preserving the quality of your images, but it seems to take a bit longer to load than other sites.

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:21 pm
by ashleighP
Looks great, I've told you this in person. The only thing I would change would be the background image. When on larger monitors it isn't "seamless." There is a line through the bottom and it is distracting. I know you designed this on a smaller monitor but for those of us with bigger screens, it takes away from the site (even just a bit!). If you could change that and make it more "seamless," I think you would be set!

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:09 pm
by jfotodesign
looks goods i like the chalkboard design, the only thing that i think you should change is the background size since it took forever to load

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:53 pm
by brienicole
ya the background for sure needs work. I need something there that wont clash with my board and not be boring etc... Im playing with that.

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:04 pm
by olddragon
I think your site is very successful. I don't see anything I would change. Graphics are great, and text is engaging. I love your little guy in the phone booth. He is the only thing in color, I think. Maybe if that is one thing I could say, more color, or all gray scale.... why just him?

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:18 pm
by Lundholm
I have to say I love your site, partly because it IS a great site and partly because I'm a Doctor Who fan myself... though Star Trek is a few notches above Doctor Who in my book, Doctor Who is a great theme.

Did you draw the art for yours? Your Tardis looks very professionally drawn. If you were good at carving I'd ask you to carve me a pocket sized Tardis to put on my desk in class.

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:04 pm
by Ravana
As I've said before, this is my favorite design of the class... but, being a Whovian, I'm a little biased. :)

As said, the background is a tough one.... You may want to try a "boring" single color... or maybe a simple pattern? Not sure.... Space certainly screams "The Doctor" much more than anything else I can think of.... but that seam is distracting. This is the problem with using repeated graphics for backgrounds. Which we all learned back in our geocities days... right kids? Along with how awesome the blink tag was, right? What do you mean you don't know what geocities was? Great, thanks for making me feel old. Damn kids these days..... *grumble* >_>

Okay, silliness aside, I really do love the layout and all the easter eggs and think that if you can't find something that looks okay... heck with it. People can deal with the seam, IMO. :mrgreen:

Re: Project 1 - Brie Porterfield

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:55 pm
by Vi_Vi
I really like your site, it's one of the only one that actually works as a portfolio website and fits the theme of a web design and publishing class. I also really like the background, I like the starry feelings of it.