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Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:21 pm
by LindsWalters

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:46 pm
by smith206
Looks cool i like how you separated the banner from the content area kinda makes a tennis court in a way. Some of the images are a bit fuzzy but its not too bad. Overall its well done.

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:00 pm
by jfotodesign
looks good love the color lol. the type works well in the website it feel sporty might say and another picture but thats just me

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:47 pm
by brienicole
I agree that this layout turned out way better. I also like the seperation. Looks like you had some compression issues in there with some graphics. I would work on those.

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:21 pm
by olddragon
I am seeing some problems with the headline type. It looks degraded. Some of your icons in the bottom right have a problem too.

The photo creates a great design, moving the eye back and forth across the page with those white lines. Overall, I like the look a lot.

A little grammar clean-up needed on the body copy. I would go over that.

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:14 pm
by Lundholm
Great site. Normally I wouldn't really go for a bright green background, but any background color has its place and you found the place for green. Goes EXCELLENT with your whole tennis theme. Love the site! Keep working on it, see what else you can do.

I'm curious to see if you can use flash to make the ball spin... and if you did, what it would look like... but if you haven't learned flash yet don't even try it. Ugh. I shudder at the thought of trying to do something like that, and I know a little flash.

Anyway the site itself is awesome as it is.

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:56 am
by Ravana
So, I too like the separation, and I love the way your nav links "pop out" on rollover. Neat effect! :) I also noticed some of your compression issues or whatnot. Suggestion: don't make them part of the background image. Go download the PNG's or the vectors (you can find them with quick google searches) and place them on top of your background. Similarly, with your email address, make it just basic text, or at least a separate image as well. Also, make it a link to your email. So... not... basic text... after all.... >_> (if you don't know, like so: <a href="">Link Text</a>) Also, don't forget to fix your <title>.

Finally, your body copy needs a rewrite in my opinion (as well as being broken out of the image and made just text, like the email address). At the least it has grammatical errors, but overall to me feels clunky and could have a much better flow. (I can help if you want... but I don't want to force my suggestions on you. :) )

So, mostly that's all just some nit-pick-y stuff, just typos/bugs, and overall I really dig the design and layout (which is the important thing here anyway). Lookin' good! :)

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:45 pm
by mminten
I like the angle of the lines in the image. They draw your eyes into the page. I think the it does look a little granulated, like you blew up a smaller image or set the slices to a lower quality. It would be nice is you made the social media icons a little crisper to. I personally like to use type on the page rather than in the image. Search engines can't read the text in the image.

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:50 pm
by miss_kristine
I think your header text suits the page, a sort of varsity look. A nice, clean layout, easy to navigate. The thing that bothers me are the borders showing up around your blogger,twitter,facebook and tmcc links.

Re: Project 1- Lindsey Walters

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:28 pm
by Vi_Vi
like someone mentioned you've used the color green well in this design, not very many can actually make green looks good as a background. Very clear and straight forward site. The only thing that's bothering me would be the resolution of your image, but it's an easy fix. Other than that... :)