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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:14 pm
by itsdrrlcarden
For my designs, I wanted them to flow easily and make them get straight to the point. I used many if my favorite colors and fonts to represent me. In the first set, I used a watercolor image to represent art and the colorfulness it brings. For the outlines, I kept the whole thing simple and easy to look at. For the second set of designs, I worked more with personal likes. I like when things are simple and minimalistic because it flows easy and allows the viewers to understand what they are looking at. I was going to do more grays in my designs but I felt it needed more visual interest so I used pinks and other fun colors. I made the title "graphic artist" because that would be the main focus of my websites. the images are placed in the background in all the designs.
I feel like my designs use a variety of elements. I have the background squares for fonts, room for images, and room for more links to be shared. My information is the center of the whole website to make that the focus of the whole thing.
This is video from someone I follow, he made a really interesting video about art.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:24 pm
by erino
I like how you use the concept color water to represent you. A suggestion maybe you can try play with the rectangle shapes like home and projects to more of a splash paint shape. On the top design great photo blur choice, everything gives it that welcome vibe great

Erik Reyes


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:56 pm
by John1612
I really enjoy your work it feels inviting. The color choices you made are awesome. I like how the colors aren't overpowering the design, but it's complementing everything instead. The only thing that is a little conflicting is the typeface you chose try a little bigger bolder typeface.

Submitted by: Charlie Johnson


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:59 am
by lewlewland
I think that both of these are really successful. They are both easy to read and navigate as well as being visually appealing. I personally like the second set more than the first but I think either would work. The only suggestion I can come up with is maybe rounding the corners to your rectangles or using some different shapes maybe.


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:19 pm
by stars2night
I like the first set (design 2) more than the other set. I really love the colors and the shimmery effect at the bottom. I don't think you need the social media buttons being so big, especially in the mobile version, because it seems to take up a lot of real estate. I also think you could rearrange the about me and links to be side by side and it would be cool to do something related to painting and watercolors like a prior commenter was saying. It could even be cool if you did like a watercolor paint color case with links instead of colors, or maybe even a paint palette and do it as an actual image with a lower opacity and put links on a couple of paint areas and paints in others as it curved around.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 3:04 pm
by Gr8K8
I am a fan of the images you used in both designs!
One small thing I noticed in all of your designs was that your spotify botton has a sort of black outline/shadow look on the bottom. The other buttons don't have that same dark line along the bottom. If you added a drop shadow to all of them, it could make them look more unified and also give your design an element of depth and pop.
In your Design 2 (web version) I really like that you made a sort of pyramid shape with your text/color boxes. Perhaps consider putting the "Links that inspire me" text a little lower, so it is fully in the colored box.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:51 pm
by Instructor
Hm. Your "design1-mobile-dc.jpg" really stands out to me. I like the color the watercolor is bringing. I also like the contrast of the dark gray type and layout with the blooming cloud of the watercolor. Your type is well chosen too. I like the contrast between the different san-serif weights and the handwriting logo. Good placement on all your objects throughout the composition. Your navigation is easy to see and use. And good use of visual hierarchy as well. Your title and logo are nicely co-dominant. Good use of contrast on that title. The black bar is very strong and calls attention to the white type punched out of it.

I think you have a bit too much color going on here. I'd recommend using the one color black (or dark gray in the case of your design) versions of the social media and TMCC logos. That way the watercolor will be providing the color and contrasting nicely with your dark gray design. Also, make your computer design a big version of your mobile design, i.e. have your watercolor be the background and then the layout sits over the top in dark gray. The watercolor itself is light enough, I don't think you need the white container boxes behind your type and content. Watch your to margin on your email and bodycopy. It's a little tight to the "about me" title. Make the text in your "Project 2" and "Project 3" buttons be single line, like your "Home" button.

A really good start!


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:48 pm
by JBobier
I really like the top two designs the best. One thing that I may suggest is I would like to see your name more predominant on the page. You are promoting yourself. I would like to just glance at it and know who I am looking at. Good job!


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:59 pm
by z1claudia
Hi, I like the top 2 ones a bit more. The background really grabs your attention. The only things I recommend are:

1. Make your social media buttons a bit smaller and change them to a neutral color. Their current colors take a lot of attention.

2. It'd be great if you choose an even more bolder font for the "graphic artist" text. So it can draw more attention.

3. The text color boxes make the design a little too blocky if there's a way you can take one away or both it could make your design flow a bit better.

4. The last thing is the navigation buttons in the mobile version, they look a little too spaced out. Perhaps just bringing them a bit closer.


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:01 pm
by Unicorn_Service
Did a double take when I saw my name on there. i'm not used to seeing other people that also have my name. These are both good designs with the cloudy watercolor texture. You should entertain the idea of using these images on a transparent background. I sure an very outspoken, and love to make clear how much more appealing designs are without rectagnular rastor images are on top of backgrounds.