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Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:20 am
by Gr8K8
Here are my two versions of my layout. I really wanted to play with cool color combinations.

The two websites that inspired me:

eatmeicecream inspired me because it kind of reminded me of a scrapbook page layout. My mom used to be really into scrapbooking while I was growing up and I've always thought you could do so much with the style.
tpmm inspired me because it has really cool contrasts. I also really liked the shaped that were incorporated within this design. I also really like the kind of simple, minimal design of it.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:58 pm
by stars2night
On the Rough 2 computer, I really like the color scheme with the text being a pleasing blue on the brownish red. I feel like it is a little... empty? on the left and right side, like there is too much empty space. I do like how you have suggested a 3D effect with adding shading to the top right and bottom left to suggest that we are in an empty room reading your intro. I also think that if you played around with effects on that rectangle that has all your ipsom on it, that maybe a beveling effect or a drop shadow might be a cool subtle 3D effect to give it some extra depth. I like a lot of the fonts you used.

On the Mobile version, I again love the colors. The alignment on the Spring 2019 bothers me just a little bit in relation to the TMCC. Good job on both!

On the rough 1 computer version and mobile version, I find the links white fading into the background white an interesting effect, but I think I would like it better if the words were moved up slightly to be their own separate thing (or even, if the words Project 3 was moved up like 7-10 pixels to match the other words). I like the blue and orange together. I think that the ipsom being in orange is a little hard to read and I think if you did a light tint of that blue or even the white, that it would read better.

I like both of them. I think I like the blue and brownish red schema a little more.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 1:32 pm
by z1claudia
Hi, I really like the bottom 2 designs with the flower. The only critique/recommendations I can give are:

Enlarging your name or choosing a bolder script typeface so you can draw more attention to it. I feel like the flower is the more dominant piece in the designs.

Giving more white space to your designs I feel it would give it a better minimal design feel to it. Possibly shrinking the flower or the text box. Maybe even both.

For some reason your paragraph as well as your navigation buttons (home, project 2,...) I feel aren't as clear as they should be. You have great color usage but everything looks about the same saturation. Maybe playing around with opacity just a bit can draw better attention to the texts.

Other than that, great job. Good layouts and colors for all 4 designs.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:21 pm
by John1612
I really like your designs the only thing I would consider changing is the thickness of your name, on the one with that has the flower. I also like how you made the type white to blend in with the bottom of the page. Overall four really great designs to choose from.

Submitted by charlie Johnson

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:00 am
by lewlewland
I love that you used what looks like saeme piece in the first two roughs, however I think I like the other two more. I think that color scheme is more catchy and draws my eye in more than the other two designs. I also think that the orange and blue designs are easier to read and navigate. Only thing I'd say is to maybe not use orange text over blue unless one of them is clearly dominant.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:49 pm
by itsdrrlcarden
I like your color choices. I think I like the one with the flower better because it’s brighter and is more organized!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:33 pm
by Instructor
Oooh, an interesting set of styles here, Kaitlin. I like it's colors, it's brightness, and it's texture. The bright complimentary colors are instantly visually attractive. They even have good contrast, thanks to your use of a white background. Your subtle use of texture on the top bar gives it some extra interest that draws the viewer's eye back. I also like the diagonal breakout on the right edge of the rectangle. It disrupts expectations and adds yet more visual interest. Your navigation is easy to see and use. I especially like the way it rises up out of your white background like a movie poster. The handwritten title text is a good choice and feels at home with the design language you've established here.

Make sure your box drop shadows come out of the same side of the box to establish a common light source. Right now your flower box is going to the right and your text box is going to the left. Add more margin to your bodycopy box; currently, your text is awfully close to the edge of the box. I'd also recommend doing the bodycopy in white, the orange blends a little too much. I'd also scoot your navigation down just a touch so there's nothing between it and the white and it looks like the type is rising up from the white.

Good work!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:30 pm
by Unicorn_Service
Well there... that Eat Me Ice Cream site is an adventure. There is just a lot of difficulty reading that stuff. It reminds me of this adventurous site.

I greatly favor the first design much more. It has a very attractive font. The latter one looks, well, you know... kind of scrappy and hard to read. The colors scheme is quite good though. I suggest to do away with the white background.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:28 pm
by JBobier
Good job on all examples! I think the colors on the bottom two really stand out. I don’t really have any other critique to give. I think you have given me some ideas to make changes to mine. Excellent!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:47 pm
by Andramada
There is a lot going on in both of your designs. Your choice of color is interesting and sits in the realm of complementary colors which is good for creating and charming appearance. You’re links are easily findable in both designs however they are more defined in your mobile layout 2 but more readable in your first design set. The the colors in your second design are muted and although they do balance well, the colors do not contrast in either saturation or intensity. This causes the links and type to be difficult to read. Your second design with a few tweaks to make it more readable could become a well put together design.