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Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 5:15 pm
by itsdrrlcarden

My bad website is a local flower shop here in Reno. I really wanted to work on flower website because i am a florist and wanted to do something i am passionate about. The navigation of the website is not awful so i mostly wanted to focus on the actually design and logo. i have not worked on the logo yet, i mostly focus on fonts, colors, and layout (sort of). My designs are very simple right now, but they are still in their rough state. I really wanted my designs to represent elegance. playfulness, happiness, and unique. I played with color which is something i am new too. I gravitate more towards the yellow and grey design because its more my style and i also think it represents a floral shop site. My homepage is the about us, best sellers and what others think about the site. A large part of my inner pages are links. Every sub category would be another link to see more flowers that the customer could purchase. The blank circles are going to be pictures of flower arrangements.


Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 7:04 pm
by erino
The color and shapes works good for a flower concept, but you can somehow add images!
Erik Reyes


Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 7:25 am
by John1612
Hi classmate this is Charlie Johnson:

Your design pages don't exactly read flowers to me. It feels like your designing something for an art studio, rather than a flower shop. The type choice is a little hard to read. Could you possibly bring in some flower elements, to make it feel like a flower shop website. I like the ones with the colorful dots.


Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 9:21 am
by lewlewland
I think the colors and fonts work really well here. The layout is also very playful which is where my mind goes when I think of flowers. I do think that Erik brings up a good point to add some photos. I think that could really help tie it all together and help show that the website is for flowers.



Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:17 pm
by Andramada
I believe the colors in your second design are the most visually interesting and reminiscent of flowers but I do not think they work with the highly saturated Moana nursery logo. This could be rectified with using a more saturated color palate and adding more of the complimentary color of the logos green hue. The script font choice is very well paired with the body copy and definitely makes me think of feminine things like flowers. The overall layout is clean and easy to navigate.


Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:28 pm
by Gr8K8
So honestly I liked the more pastel color scheme more. To me, it reads as more fun/playful as well as seem more floral in color. However, I think I'd like your gray and yellow more if you made one of the colors a darker value, to add more overall contrast. As the colors are right now, at least on my monitor, they're very similar in value and get kind of lost in each other.
Regardless of which color scheme you decide on, I prefer the fonts you used in your more colorful layout. The script is much much easier to read in that one, due to the increased thickness I think. Interested to see what your final designs will come out like. :)


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:46 pm
by Instructor
Hm. Interesting choices you've made here.

I like your first design. The bright colors make me think of a candy store. They bring peppiness and happiness to your composition. I'm curious to see what it will look like with flower photos. The white background lends the whole thing cleanliness and hopefully will make it a great background for the flower photos. I like the script type as a headline and navigation type. It's very arts and crafts and speaks to a fun young aesthetic. It works well with your sans-serif bodycopy font. I like the pink bar on the bottom of your inner page too. It works as a framing element for your overall design.

I think to better give you feedback on these, I would have liked to see some images. I can't quite picture what it will look like with pictures. It looks like the navigation type is different sizes on the home page ("occasions" is much larger). I assume that's simulating a rollover or a marker for what page you're on (a nice idea BTW). Otherwise, all your navigation buttons should be the same size. I don't think your script type is working very well as bodycopy. Your list of flower occasions is running together to my eye. It's good for titles and navigation, but not for bodycopy. Also, I don't think all the company contact info needs to be stacked by the logo in the upper left. I don't think you need the pink box behind your bodycopy on your inner page.

Good effort!


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:03 pm
by stars2night
I like the pink design better than the yellow. The yellow blends into the background too much. I think that you should lighten the pink up and maybe go more of a lavender shade and then go with a light green complementary color. I like the original website for its use of green because it really makes me think of growing things. I also like the original use of a startling and beautiful picture of a bouquet. However, I do think that in the original website the picture is a bit too bold. However, I think I would like to see in the top banner where currently it is white, a banner of flowers. I think it would tie things together. Maybe like a picture of purple and pink tulips with green leaves and stems.

I would suggest using a different font for each section, though I really like the font for the navigation. I also find that you should scoot your inner page computer 2 categories section over to the right more. There is a lot of white space that feels unbalanced on the right side of the page. I also think that it would be cute if you included a little icon next to each category in the inner page with an overall perhaps rounded square border around each category to make it look like the button I am assuming it should be. Good job and keep up the good work!


Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:45 pm
by z1claudia
Hi, I definitely like the colorful design more. I wish you had images to go with the preliminary critique. This design looks like it can handle a lot of images so I hope you do have that in your final. The set-up is very easy to follow, nice job. I also think your design would benefit if you added another typeface to it, whether in the body or the navigation. I think it'll make your script font standout more and give it hierarchical order.


Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:32 pm
by Unicorn_Service
The colors are a good and ascetic contrast. The script font is a good choice for a flower website. Here is a font idea for a flower site.

The design with more colors is a more favorable choice.