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Project 2 Final

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:12 pm
by z1claudia
Hey everyone this is my final project 2 ... a-zamudio/. Pretty burned out from this project. It was fun but hard. Still got some glitches and got lazy with the text in my derby website, however this is the best I got before the deadline. Might keep working on it just to keep practicing. I wasn't successful in making it responsive but like I said I'm pretty burned out. Brain is too fried to try it. I also changed my project 1 website design because I was upset with the teacher's critique on it. I thought making it simple was a good design but apparently not. So I went back and tried to add personality to it instead. Let me know what you think and good luck.

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:40 pm
by lewlewland
I like your style! I think that it is very noticeable in both of these sites. I think that the images you've used are fitting for both of your sites. Only thing I noticed was the font in the titles for each page is a little bland compared to the rest of it but overall really good job! I'm curious how you got the text to be tilted like that without using an image!


Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:00 am
by erino
Great design I like the background image works great with the buttons and the title variety of colors being use. It cool how the buttons have a slight angle and as you click every page it has variety of images. Great job!

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 1:00 pm
by stars2night
Great Job! I really like the yellow links on your personal page. I love how you gave each page a distressed look. It is so cool. I see what you mean on a couple of glitches such as the links flashing blue before the page fully loads and some of the cool tilted titles are a little close to body text, but I love what you have done. I think that some of your body text on some pages is a bit wordy or could be used to be broken up some. I think one of my biggest suggestions is to go BOLDER on the Battle Born Derby Demons title. I love the fonts, but I want it to be BIGGER! Maybe offset the Battle Born to be in line with the navigation line and then Derby Demons below that like you have before.

I also think that maybe there would be a better font for the description, at least on the home page. It just seems kinda... boring... out of place... for what the subject is. I would wish for some excitement with that legibility! I love the design as a whole and I love the every other offset navigation.

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 4:21 pm
by Gr8K8
Awesome job!

All your pages are super clean, easy to read/navigate, and are functional. I think you pulled off the transition from rough to actual website off really well.
For your Project 1 homepage, I really like the added color! It adds more personality to it I think. I would maybe consider adding a drop shadow or something to your navigation buttons so they stand out a tad more though.
As for your derby site. It looks really good! I do think the Title text for the "Schedule" and "Contact" pages could be moved away from the body text a tad.

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 4:50 pm
by Tickosity
I really like the simplicity of your designs and the way that the type is in it's own space and it brings the attention to it. I really don't have much to critique about it besides I think you did a really good job with this.

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:27 pm
by Unicorn_Service
Alright, lets see what we got here.

I do admire the rotated text on the homepage; That is a great design.

There seems to be some letterboxing on the background image.

Re: Project 2 Final

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 11:32 pm
by Instructor
Now THAT's what I'm talking about. Nicely done, Claudia. Look at how you've taken my lectures and expanded beyond what I taught in class. Do I see smooth rollovers and CSS rotation? You learned those on your own! Schweet! This kind of thing will serve you well in your graphic/web design career.

Your design looks very professional and doesn't deviate much across all the different browsers I try it in. The whole distressed motif goes well with your subject matter and immediately establishes a theme that reinforces your content. I like the little touch of using alpha transparency to show overlap and add more visual interest to your design. Great use too of CSS rotation to twist your live type into working as navigation and titles. It adds a little bit of extra eye candy to the layout and keeps the type live for search engine optimization and handicap accessibility. Nice choices on the imagery too. They do a good job of illustrating what's happening here. The blacked out eyes are a nice touch too. It all looks a little "undergound indie rock" which I think goes well with the subject matter.

Really the only issue I see is that your leading is too tight. In future projects add a couple of tenths or rem to a line-height property (say 1.2 rem) to give your bodycopy a little more room to breathe. I'd have probably fed in a distressed font using @font-face too.

Great job!