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Project Three

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:31 pm
by erino
I kept variety of tmcc green color, shapes and images to express the site!!
Let me know what you think??

Re: Project Three

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 8:29 am
by lewlewland
I think I like the first set of designs most here, they are a little bit more interesting than the one with the white background. I think that the greens that you used don't really quite remind me of tmcc though, they're good shades of green just not the same pukey color we have at the school haha


Re: Project Three

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 1:08 pm
by Andramada
i think both designs have potential.
the first set of designs are visually interesting and the triangle navigation on the front page is very unique.
the body copy however gets lost in some places and is difficult to read do to placement. a box behind the text might resolve this issue.
the second design is visually interesting in a very simplified way but is not as cool as the first design.
the body copy is easy to read with nothing impeding its visibility. the hierarchy of the headlines and sub headers to the body copy is also very clear.

Re: Project Three

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 6:16 pm
by stars2night
I really like the colors. I like the white backdrop navigation bar more than the black or green. I really like the green bar that wraps around the window. I'm not sure what the green swatches particularly mean. I find that the font for the overview is hard to read and very small. Overall, great job and I would like to somehow see the two concepts combined.

Re: Project Three

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:23 am
by Instructor
Ooooh, a few different looks! You got inspired, I see.

I really like your "1critique" design. It has great contrast and the background image creates visual interest without causing your content difficulties. Your imagery choices throughout are very good. I like the main image of the student working. It summarizes the graphics student experience in one shot. A little too real. The graphics triangle is amusing to me. It's a great little bit of composition and is the first thing my eye falls on when I see the layout. I keep bouncing back and forth on whether it should have the TMCC logo on top of it or not. Great use of margin through the whole thing. Everything is nicely placed and has room to stretch out without the layout fragmenting on you. Your navigation is easy to see and use. I also like the black dividing line between your nav and your content. It really establishes a hard line on where content starts.

I'd recommend ditching the serif type in your bodycopy and footer. You've got a nice clean layout that's very modern and has lots of sharp edges; your type should reflect that. Try using a different background image for each page. use your background images to reinforce your content. I'm not 100% sure if your bodycopy would look better justified or not. Try both and see which looks better to your eye. Also, make your footer black. You've got this lovely black navigation and dividing line at the top, but your footer is a soft dark gray, it's like it's afraid of what it needs to be in your design. Give it a little courage!

Good work!

Re: Project Three

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 1:11 pm
by z1claudia
Hi I like the 3critique one a bit more. All the other designs work well too, I just like this one a bit more. I would recommend taking away the GAMT text away. I personally find it distracting to the design, and you have a text circle going on with "graphic arts & media" to the left and "TMCC" in the bottom. I think you gotta space them all out a little more and have more variety in your text sizes. Other than that, great job keeping your designs easy to follow.

Re: Project Three

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 6:40 pm
by Unicorn_Service
I applaud your use for the San-serrif typeface in the logo. It is a good exhibit of design, showing what the course is about.
I do favor the last ones that doesn't have a translucent background, and rather has the pictures shown on the page. This is greatly more aesthetic.