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Project 01 Final

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:32 pm
by wilson_iii

Still learning all the things this cool tool has to offer. There's a lot. it's mainly for making apps, whether that be on a web browser, android, IOS, or windows, it's kind of a jack-in-the-box. Very open in design, almost modular.

Another tool for apps, this gives all sorts of nifty code and UI help. Very similar to Fluent, however this is meant more for front-end application.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:07 pm
by KJX

I like the white on black coloring. I would suggest changes the font for the details in the top right corner.
I also like your photo usage.


Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:37 pm
by missStormy
I like the color scheme and the layout is good. I don't think you need the hamburger menu though, especially on the desktop version (unless it has more options or is meant for a different function). Keeping it on the mobile would make sense but it looks like you're able to fit the regular menu in the mobile version.


Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:57 pm
by meekster_
I like that the buttons match the sunset picture! I also like how the mobile version looks, the web version is almost as good but nice !

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:35 pm
by JamesC46
The navigation bar should probably be centered if it's not going to span the width of the screen for the desktop version. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 6:33 pm
by SkellyboneJones
I think the font choices are solid on the black, i just think the classical style doesn't really jive with the modern aesthetic of the site design. Other than that, I like the layout and would just center my nav buttons for ease of use on the desktop version. Excellent job though!

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 6:49 pm
by hmayooo
Nice changes, I think your photos are integrated a lot more nicely in this version. I agree that you could probably center your navigation buttons or put more space in between each of them since your header bar is so wide. I also still think you could use a title or logo of some sort, personally I like to see something first thing that indicates what the website is all about. Overall, clean layout and I like the color scheme.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 8:25 pm
by sndbox
I really enjoy the color scheme you have going on, it's a very nice balance of light and dark.
I do think the white in the text boxes for the tabs gets a little lost and is a tiny bit difficult to read, I'd recommend changing that to a dark color to help the readability with that.
I will say there's a lot of information in the paragraphs. Maybe just bullet point some of the main points that you're trying to convey in the paragraph in order to keep with the simplicity of your design.
Overall it's a very nice design!

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:06 pm
by suiish
Hi, I like the white text on the dark background. I think the hamburger menu is a bit unnecessary on a desktop version of your website. Other than that it's a good website.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:39 pm
by Instructor
That background photo is really strong, William. That was a great choice. It's got excellent contrast, a large dark(ish) area for content, and a warm sunset giving us great oranges, yellows and purples to use. You take good advantage of both in your design. In fact, I'd say contrast is this design's strong suit. Though color is a very close second. You have a good content area and you use it well. I especially like the transition from stacked to parallel content areas between your mobile design and your computer design.

I'd probably have swapped the boldnesses and had the bolder type in your header and navigation and the lighter type in your bodycopy. There's not a lot of differentiation and hierarchy between each of your section headers and your bodycopy. The spacing between your buttons on your computer layout is uneven. Your copy is a little close to your images on you mobile layout, too.

Nice effort!