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Project 1

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:13 pm
by KJX
Hey Class,

I have revised my website design. After listening to the feed back from the class I cleaned the overall appearance, darkened the background, and lighten the fonts. I also added a log in the corner and added more gradients with some opacity changes. I hope everyone likes my changes.


Re: Project 1

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:05 pm
by meekster_
the layout is really nice and the colors also fit well together, looks really nice !!

Re: Project 1

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:18 pm
by missStormy
I like the header and nav layout the colors are working well together as well. but I would switch the header and nave back to solid colors. Right now the transparency is looking a bit weird against the background, though this might be just my preference.


Re: Project 1

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:02 pm
by hmayooo
Your final designs look really good! Really clean and professional. I would’ve liked to see an actual photo in there that kinda goes along with the color scheme but overall I like your improvements.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:12 pm
by JamesC46
The background is a bit busy, I think changing the background to a less busier one or increasing the opacity of the body text box would help. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 6:23 pm
by SkellyboneJones
I agree with many of the other comments that the text is just a tad busy, but other than that it's looking really good. The header especially works really well, with the navigation tabs plainly laid out. Nice design!

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:51 pm
by suiish
The background is a bit busy, but I really like the color choices you made on the website. Also the text is very easy to read since it's so big.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 8:34 pm
by sndbox
The design turned out very nice!
I do think the background is a bit busy, maybe just change it and instead take down the opacity of the background and make the backgrounds for the text/type a solid color.
I don't think you need another image in from of the picture you currently have as the background unless you add a border or stroke around it to separate it from the background.
However, the blue color is nice, very calming and pleasing to the eye, nice job! :D

Re: Project 1

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:11 pm
by Gr8K8
I like the colors you used in your header! Very nice contrast and your "thinkorswim" is really striking and nice to look at. In your computer version, I'd maybe consider moving your nav buttons to the right slightly so that they all are linked to that blue section.

Re: Project 1

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:53 pm
by Instructor
Awww! You got rid of the rocket background. That's too bad.

On the other hand, the page you did build is pretty darn good. It works with and around it's background image very well. Nice choice on that background image. It's both dark and colorful which adds a lot of visual interest. I like use of transparency throughout. Your navigation is easy to see and use. I especially like it's tabbed structure, rather than buttons. That adds more visual interest. The purple, mauve, black, and white work well together. I like the black header and footer acting as framing devices.

I would reverse the boldnesses and have your header and navigation be bold, while your bodycopy is lighter. I would have liked to have seen an actual image in place of the placeholder. The left and right margins are too tight on your black bodycopy container. There needs to be more space between your bodycopy and the edges of the box. Your buttons should all be wide enough to accommodate your longest word or words on one line.

Good effort!