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Project 04 Prelim!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:56 pm
by sndbox
Hey everyone! Here's my prelims for Project 04!

My first idea is more a modern take on the website. I wanted to really take that single webpage idea and have smooth scrolling all the way through the page to create a sleek design with some sort of minimal pattern in the background of the page. (similar to

My Second idea comes from just a big bold design with very minimal design work in order to show off the student work and have the ability to guide very easily through the webpage.

Let me know what you think! :D

Re: Project 04 Prelim!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:33 pm
by Instructor
Hm, it looks like you're missing an inner page on each of these, but I see where you were going at least. I actually like your second design better, even though it uses TMCC's awful green. But somehow you made it work! What sorcery is this?

My favorite part is the "type as texture" top bar. You're using the type as a visual texture while still retaining a bit of legibility. This kind of look is very trendy in typography and shows you did your research. Nice! I also like the contrast. TMCC's awful green is dark enough that it supports and contrasts with a white type on top. The black titles and bodycopy really stand out against this combo. I also, like the offset titles to the left side. Very magazine/book. Looks good! I also like the white section dividers. They do a good job of separating the layout into it's constituent pieces. Your navigation is well places, easy to see and use.

I'm curious what the design will look like with images in it right now it has none. I think the blockiness of the design would be enhanced by justified paragraphs on your bodycopy.

Nice job!

Re: Project 04 Prelim!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:51 pm
by missStormy
Your first design idea is more interesting and the triangle header helps lead the eye. The color scheme also makes it stand out more and the full navigation for the mobile design can save some hassle on making all elements responsive. Very nice design.

Re: Project 04 Prelim!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:52 pm
by suiish
Hi Sandra, I like both of your designs! I think the green one works better because it incorporates TMCC's green while the first one doesn't really say tmcc like the second. Either one works well though!

Re: Project 04 Prelim!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:55 pm
by JamesC46
I like the use of your shapes and type, the second design could use a more interesting take on its background as the white can be harsh.

Re: Project 04 Prelim!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:58 am
by SkellyboneJones
I definitely support the green design more. Feels more in tune with the entire TMCC aesthetic without feeling redundant or too different.

Re: Project 04 Prelim!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:48 pm
by wilson_iii
Hey Sandra,
I think the green themed design works better, as it falls in line with TMCC's overall scheme more. However, I think you could tie in elements from the blue one to your green one to make it easier on mobile! The hamburger menu, for example.
Good work, I like what you have so far.