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Project 1 Final

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:58 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi everyone,

My name is Kierann and here is my final website design! I decided to go with my second website design, as it had better font and a cleaner layout. To make my website look less sterile I added a flowered background. Then I made it more transparent so that it was not so overwhelming. In order to keep the font from being too hard to read on top of the image, I added a plain color behind it.

These are the websites that helped me:
This website gave me ideas for my design's color schemes; while also explaining what colors communicate what emotions. For example, my website resembles #15 color scheme, which is approachable with pastels and grays (for the most part). It also helped me determine what I wanted my color scheme to say to my audience and how to do so.
This website provides the names and links to graphic designer's personal websites, so it helped me see how they designed their own websites. It also provides helpful tips and links for creating successful websites. I found this website while trying to stalk graphic designer's websites to try to find ideas for my own website.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:08 pm
by Instructor
Oh nice! I really like this pressed flower aesthetic you have going here, Kierann. It feels like pages out of a scrapbook.

You've kept all the good bits of the design. The super clean layout. The excellently selected typography. The well placed, easy to see and use navigation. My eye flass on everything easily in this layout. I also like the subtle contrast you have going on here. Your colors work well together. Obviously black and white will go well, but your orange and pale cool gray go so nicely. My eye likes this. Your flower pic is very warming as well. Reminds me of artwork my grandmother had up around her house.

It needed it a little more bottom margin between the text and the bottom edge of your peach-colored containment box. And I think moving the flower image up slightly so it's top edge matched the top edge of your containment box would have created a nice alignment.

Good work, Kierann. You've really brought this one up.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:52 pm
by Anayik
Hi Keirann,

Good idea with adding the background. It adds a lot of visual interest but you found just the right amount of transparency that it doesn't compete with the main image or your body copy. Also, well done with the color palette. I never would have thought to use grey with pastels, but it balances so nicely! I'm definitely going to check out that color site you posted.

The only thing that catches my eye is that my brain really wants to see the word "welcome" centered...maybe because the flower image is centered. Anyways good work!

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 2:10 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Keirann,
I'm glad that you chose this layout as your final design from first prelim critique because I thought it was the stronger the design, though I do love that you were able to elevate it more. I really like your color scheme and the flower imagery you are using, they pair very nicely with your typeface too; everything is just very cool and inviting. I would, however, watch your margins on the left and right sides of the page on your computer layout. Your social media is all the way to the edge, while your hamburger menu is slightly inwards, and then on the other side the TMCC logo is quite a ways off of the side, I suggest lining up the social and nav pieces and however far off the edge your put those, then match that on the other side with the TMCC logo.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:03 am
by gavin_clouser
I like this design. Its fairly modern and you really get a sense of your personality based on your photos and colors used.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:13 pm
by it's_crysta
I love the faded look of your background, it looks good and makes it so it isn't distracting to the rest of website. I also like how light your colors are, the black text really stands out against it. Great work!

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:02 am
by Hamistani
Hello Kierann,
I really like what you've done with this design! The colors go very well together and the fonts you chose work nicely together. I like the background image you chose because it goes with the theme well. For the computer layout, I would move the social media icons to the right side, and I would center the contact info and "GRC 175...". I would also move the flower picture up a bit to line up with the pink box. Overall, great job! :D

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:04 am
by Kassandra
Hi Kierann,
Loving this website design. Great choice of colors and font. I would like to maybe see the "Welcome" in the same color you used for your name, just to give the text a little more color. Other than that, I'm loving your design.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:28 pm
by sal_baraj
Hi Kierann,
I really like your layout, I like how busy the background is. It is so clean and easy to read although that background has so much.

Re: Project 1 Final

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:57 am
by ItsAllisxn
Hi Kierann,

This is such a cool theme! The white color palette with the hint of the tan color really makes this website feel classy and elegant. The element placement works great and makes your website very easy to navigate. I love the plant theme you have going on. Something I noticed was that the background is a tad bit blurry, I'm not sure if that's from exporting though because the flower image on the right also is somewhat blurry. Great work Kierann!