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Project 01 Final

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:25 pm
by comicsansfanclub
Thank you all for your very helpful feedback on the last critique! It was hard choosing which website, but I did end up choosing my black and white design and I made some minor adjustments. I made the Projects 1-4 whiter to make them a little bit more legible. I made sure that everything was properly aligned, added GRC info, and worked on the leading of the body copy.

Helpful websites:
This website was really helpful and cool because it tells you about the user experience and shows you where the eyes tend to gravitate to when looking at websites on your desktop and on your mobile. ... eb-design/

This website shows you 18 award winning website designs and tells you what they did they right and what they could’ve done better. It was like reading a critique discussion board, but with professional award-winning designs and that extremely helpful. ... te-designs

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:39 pm
by Instructor
Ooooh! Excellent. You went with the contrast version. On a second viewing, I still love the ventricle and vein texture of your background image. It matches your photo nicely and keeps this clean design from looking plain. One thing that I did notice on this second looks that I didn't catch before is all the alignments you've established here. The hard edge that locks together your title, bodycopy and email. Makes a nice gap between it and your photo, too. The common right edge between your navigation and logo. That establishes the entire right edge of your document, which is pretty slick. And ho your image, title, and navigation work together on your mobile version. Otherwise all the good points I mentioned in my preliminary critique still stand. It's a great clean design with a cool background image that leads they eye right to the navigation which is easy to see and use.

My only issue with it is that your buttons are too far apart on your mobile version and are getting a little fragmented. Apparently I didn't catch that on your preliminary version.

Truly excellent work, Hazzie. You should be proud.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:41 pm
by Anayik
Hi Hazzie,
Still loving the imagery and the cool effects you've added. The design overall has lots of white space and breathes well, and has great contrast. Well done!

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:47 pm
by Krueckl
Hi Hazzie,
Very nice layout. I really like the contrast that is used. I love black and white and it looks great in this layout. I especially like the font used and your name in the computer version. There is just enough negative space used and the viewers eyes go straight to the title and photo first. Nice job.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:47 am
by gavin_clouser
Excellent! I love the simplicity and the creativity in your nav bar. Great start cant wait to see the real website.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:48 am
by Kassandra
Hi Hazzie,
I love the black and white design for your webpage. Everything looks nice and I'm glad you made the project tabs more contrasty. They are now easier to read. Great job!

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:38 pm
by Hamistani
Hello Hazzie,
This design is awesome! I love everything about this. The theme flows very nicely. I love the fonts, the arrows to change the images, and the colors. Everything looks so clean and professional. For your mobile version, I agree with Micheal where the project buttons are a bit too far apart. Other than this small thing, everything looks fantastic! I'm looking forward to seeing your website. :D

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:18 am
by jacklyn_yamine
Hi Hazzie,
I know I initially liked your second design, but after having a second look, this is my new fave. I like your use of contrasting black and white and that subtle image in the background of the veins that match your prominent image. Nice use of space too so that your text is all together and aligned nicely to the left. The only thing I would say is that the menu items in your mobile are too far apart and would bring them closer together and either align them with the top or bottom of your image.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:03 pm
by sal_baraj
Hi Hazzie,
I like how dark and mysterious your designs are, the white text and the black and white image help bring light to the design.

Re: Project 01 Final

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:05 pm
by dearangela
Hey Hazzie,

Love this design, the overlapping on your mobile is my favorite thing to do and the font style is clean readable. Such a nice job!